Ch. 139 - Fear the Monsters!

While some are cursing the deep jungle they were in, some are concerned about these phenomena that just keep appearing one after another.

Experiencing something like this might be rare but that doesn't mean it's a coincidence. At least that's what Jeff is thinking. After experiencing their defeat from the traps earlier he has become more cautious towards this place.

They tried using their portable comms to call their higher ups, wanting to know who their enemy really is. However they received nothing from the other side. It's like they're completely abandoned in this place. Either there is no signal or the higher ups have decided to ditch them in this place. Leaving them alone to fight the enemy that they don't have any knowledge on.

At first, Jeff thought they were fighting the Viets again however he doesn't have any specific evidence to prove it beside the traps that they encountered.

"Everyone, go back to sleep." One of the soldiers who were coincidentally also a pilot like Jeff announced loudly while clapping his hand several times to get their attention.

The soldiers quickly sighed in relief and immediately went back to their tents to get their sleep. Albeit it's a little too late now as the sun is near on rising up.

However, while the soldiers were walking back to their tents, Jeff was the only one who decided to stay outside. Cautiousness can be seen on his face.


Meanwhile, Jin was interested in seeing such complex emotions on Jeff's face. He has long read everyone's mind in the entire camp and he knows who can be spared and who is not.

Let's just say only 1/3rd if the entire platoon would be left after he's done with them.

"This Jeff isn't that bad." Jin nodded his head in approval and said. Well, Jeff isn't anything special like the main protagonist in the story. However, his story is still unique in its own terms.

Jeff is more like a villain in a story. From such a young age he has lost his parents in a car accident, rendering him an orphan.

However, is that all? No, for some unknown reason, he has extreme bad luck which made him make many accidents in the orphanage including breaking a vase or even being chased by a bunch of bees.

Because of this, Jeff was left with no friends, no parents and even the staff in the orphanage hates him.

Due to this, he was left with nothing but to escape from the orphanage and start from the scratch, eventually ending up in the army due to his lack of money to provide himself. He wasn't educated nor does he have some knowledge about making money.

With his incredible bad luck, it's almost a miracle for him to be promoted in the ranks and even participate in this mission before ending up as its unofficial leader.

So now, Jeff was trying his best to make ends meet just to be promoted and be able to at least have a family that he could provide. Because of being poor, Jeff doesn't have any love life and instead, he's focused on his own life, evading any accidents due to his bad luck.

'If I didn't know this was the Hotel Transylvania world, I would have thought this guy is some kind of protagonist in a novel or something.' Jin chuckled to himself before proceeding to observe more. This time, he won't be doing anything. Since almost all of them wanted to get out of this place and were on the verge of despair, he wanted to see their reactions once they saw that their only way out of here is gone. Disappeared out of thin air.

"Muwehehehe." Jin unconsciously leaked a small laugh out of his mouth while tapping his fingers against each other as if he was some kind of pedophile preying on another victim.

Meanwhile, Tigress was already asleep, this strategy of Jin somehow bores her, so she decided to go to sleep in one of the tall trees that she found.


Soon, 2 hours have passed and the morning has finally come. The soldiers went out of their tents with eye bags under their eyes.

They didn't get enough sleep and even some of them couldn't sleep from the constant howling of the wolves.

"Everyone, get up and destroy this camp. We're going back." Jeff loudly announced, he wasn't exempted as eye bags were also seen under his eyes. From his slightly sluggish movements, you can tell that he clearly hasn't gotten any sleep.

It didn't take long before the camp was fully destroyed and they resumed their journey back to the choppers.

While walking, Jeff was having a bad feeling. His intuition keeps telling him that something doesn't feel right.

'Nothing should have happened to the choppers, right? We clearly took everything from it, so there's nothing left to steal there and even if there was, it's probably not that important.' Inside his mind, Jeff kept assuring himself so he wouldn't fall into a state of anxiousness and panic.

It took them several minutes before they finally arrived at the mark that they left previously so they wouldn't be lost when going back.

"....Uhm, are we sure it is here?" One of the soldiers scratched his eyes and said confusedly, thinking that he was hallucinating again like last night.

"Where are the choppers?"

What he said is true. Even Jeff couldn't believe his eyes and thought that he was also hallucinating or they were in the wrong place. However, seeing the same mark that he made himself, tells him otherwise.

"This can't be real. The choppers are gone!" The soldiers all despaired the moment the realization hit them. Images of their families and friends flashed before their eyes, without the choppers, they would starve to death here!

Just for your information, they crossed a wide sea just to arrive at this place. Which means going back on foot is literally impossible.

"T-try the comms again, this is impossible." Jeff stuttered and said, sadness and regret can be seen in his eyes.

He was sad that his comrade's death is imminent and the reason is him. Regret, because he regretted that he couldn't live his life to the fullest thanks to his shitty luck.

'This is my fault. Because of my bad luck, they were also affected.' Jeff closed his eyes, not wanting to look at his fellow soldier's despair in their eyes. All the blame would be eventually put on him if they somehow knew about his bad luck.

"W-w-what are we gonna do now." The soldier beside him muttered in fear and despair, something that Jeff doesn't want to hear the most.

'Now, it's time for the witches to play.' Up in the air, Jin grinned and sent a telepathic message to the witches nearby to begin their onslaught.

Today, humans would fear the monsters once again!


Jeff was sitting on a large stone with a long stick on his hand, he was drawing doodles on the ground while deep in thinking when suddenly, two soldiers approached him and asked.

"Sir, what do we do now?"

"There's nothing we can do." Jeff simply replied with a monotone voice.

Jeff then looked up and saw some of the soldiers resting on the ground while some were trying to make contact through their comms. However, seeing the look on their faces, Jeff could tell they weren't successful in making contact with the outside world.

"Look! There's something in the sky!" Suddenly, one of the soldiers noticed something in the sky and quickly pointed at it, making others abandon what they were doing and look at the sky where the soldier was pointing at.

"What are those? Reinforcements?" At first, some of the soldiers were happy and hopeful that their message was heard however, after the 'reinforcements' got a little closer, they realized that the 'reinforcements' that they thought were reinforcements turned out to be not the reinforcements that they were expecting.

"Are those green skinned women on brooms?" One of the soldiers with binoculars said as he looked through his binoculars.

"What?" Jeff couldn't believe what the soldier with the binoculars said, so he snatched the binoculars from the soldier and used it himself.

"What the fuck?" Jeff couldn't help but curse out loud as the soldier's words turned out to be right!

There were 20 green skinned women on brooms flying in the sky and looking at the direction where they're going, it's obvious that their destination is them!

"Everyone get ready!" After ignoring his bad feelings earlier before discovering the missing choppers, Jeff felt it once again and this time, he won't make anymore mistakes and trust this feeling again.

"Aim your weapons! Once they enter your six, shoot at will!" Jeff shouted in command before taking a rifle himself.

"Fire!" After the witches flew closer, Jeff didn't hesitate to give out the order to shoot at them mercilessly without confirming if they're enemy or not. He's simply trusting his gut feeling here.

Something he shouldn't do.


Seeing the soldiers pointing their weapons at them, the witches looked at one another and nodded their heads all at the same time. They were fully informed by Jin about how a human weapon works. So before coming here, they're completely prepared.

Taking out small pumpkins carved with creepy faces, they quickly threw it towards the platoon before tilting their brooms upward, evading the bullets at the same time.


*Thud!* x20

As soon as the pumpkins landed on the ground, nearby soldiers looked at it with confusion.

Seeing that the pumpkins seemed to be glowing in red inside, the soldiers could only stare in confusion before an explosion engulfed their ranks.

*BOOM!* x20





[Next Chapter: Ch. 140 - Fear the monsters [2]]

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