Ch. 141 - Fear the monsters! [3]

"Are you sure about this report? If I caught you lying, you will not only be fired but I'll make sure your family won't find any will to live again." Inside the White House, the office of the President, Thomas was sitting on his chair while reading the report that the remaining soldiers of the unit gave to him.

After 2 days since the mission was given to them, the unit was finally able to call back to them and report their situation.

After hearing that the Unit that they sent was almost wiped out if it wasn't for a man with horns and wings sparing them, Thomas was both outraged and confused at the situation.

Instead of encountering some known monsters like Dracula or Frankenstein, instead they encountered a being they called the Devil based on his appearance that resembles a devil depicted by the christian religion.

So, after hearing their situation, the Army General didn't hesitate to call the rescue squad to extract the remaining unit out of that damned forest .

And here they are now, each soldier was writing their reports based on their own perspectives and Thomas was reading them one by one.

"Y-yes, Mr. President. Everything written on those are true!" One of the soldiers said with a nervous expression. He's nervous not because he's lying but because the fear towards what he experienced in the monster world is still fresh in his mind.

"....Correct me If I'm wrong but in every report that I read, it says that this Devil took one of you, specifically your acting leader during the operation, am I right?" Thomas stopped and stared at the eyes of the soldier, much to his nervousness before asking.

"Y-yes, Mr. President. His name is 2nd Lieutenant Jeff Benson." The soldier nodded his head and answered in confirming.

"....I see. You're dismissed." Thomas waved his hand and said after getting the information he needed. Although he can use his mind's ability to take the information that he wanted out of the soldier's mind however, he would only do so once they're out of public because his mind ability isn't as perfect as it seems.

There's a side effect of erasing memories of a person if he used it on them or worse, completely turned the person brain dead.

Although Thomas isn't someone who cares about such pathetic creatures however, like what he said before, he'll only do it once they're out of the public. As of now, the Army General and several of his advisors are also in the office, so it's too risky to use it now.

After the soldier left the room, Thomas and the rest in the office were left to contemplate about the report.

"This is unbelievable. I thought Dracula was the only one who is considered a threat?" The Army General couldn't help but ask Thomas in confusion and doubt.

"...Be silent for a minute, I'm thinking." Thomas said and threw a stern glare towards the Army General.

The Army General could only silently sigh and step back to let the President think by himself.

'Something definitely isn't right. This Devil...' Thomas muttered in his mind while taking a paper out of the folder. On the folder is a rough sketch of Jin based on the soldier's description of him.

'He doesn't look like someone from this world.' Thomas clenched his fists while staring at the paper with Jin's face sketched on it.

A horrible thought has appeared in his mind.

'This is definitely a reincarnator like me! There's another reincarnator out there beside me!' Thomas crumpled the paper while yelling in anger inside his mind. His feeling of being unique in this world is already gone! Ann seeing that this Devil is already on the monster side, another terrible thought has appeared in his mind.

'Hopefully, he hasn't met with Mavis yet.' Thomas breathed in and out while the Army General and his advisors were looking at him like he's a weirdo. Though they weren't obviously showing it.


While Thomas was praying to the God that reincarnated him, hoping that Jin hasn't touched Mavis yet.

The main character of the story had a surprise back home when he got back.

As soon as he entered the door of the castle, he was met with a black Furball smashing against his chest before wrapping her arms around Jin.

"What the?" At first, Jin was expecting either Rapunzel or Elsa to hug him out of the blue however when he got a closer look at who hugged him, it turns out to be none other than your favourite vampiric goth.

"Mavis?" Seeing her rubbing her head against his chest, Jin nervously looked at Dracula, expecting a shock look on his face. However to his surprise, Dracula and Martha were standing side by side while looking at them with warm and loving eyes. Something that Jin wasn't expecting considering the current situation.

"....It's fine now..." Mavis happily purred while assuring Jin. She can hear from Jin's heart beat that he got nervous when she hugged him.

'Who are you, Tigress?' Jin's lips quivered when he heard and felt Mavis purring on his chest like a little cat.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on here?" Jin said while looking around. He also saw his women looking at him as if they were proud or something.

"....Let's talk later. For now, let's focus on our current trouble." Dracula stepped forward and said while Mavis happily tip-toed away after separating from Jin.

'Seriously, what's wrong with every woman I encounter?' Jin mentally shook his head and decided to ignore this for a while. He got an interesting individual behind him.

"Jin, who's that guy behind you?" Dracula has long noticed someone standing behind Jin and he has been longing to ask Jin about it.

"Oh him? Don't worry, he's a human soldier." Before Jin could continue his words, the monsters quickly pointed their nails and claws towards Jeff while some backed away and hid behind Dracula's back.

"Guys guys, relax. He's harmless without a weapon. Trust me." Jin chuckled while calming them down.

"How do we know, he's harmless!" Eunice stepped forward and asked in doubt while doing her usual posture, placing her arms under her non-existent bosom.

"Grrr...Frank, are you talking behind my back again?" Eunice suddenly felt like someone was talking bad about her, so her first suspect was none other than her husband as he's the only one who knows her the most.

"Me again? Why me?!" Frankenstein replied while sighing in exasperation, indicating how tired he is by enduring Eunice's personality.

"And now, you're talking back to me, huh? It seems like you have grown some balls even though you just stitched someone else's balls on your crotch." Eunice then proceeded to further humiliate Frankenstein who could only close his ears from the noise and smiled in relief after seeing that it was effective.

Meanwhile, all the men in the hotel including Jeff felt bad for Frankenstein for having such a bad wife.

'Heh, if this was back in my world, women would definitely shout 'Girl Power' or something.' Jin chuckled inside his mind before going back to the current topic.

"If you still think he's harmful, then how about someone test it out." Jin confidently said while looking around. The monsters were shocked by Jin's words and quickly looked away, not wanting to be picked by Jin to test if Jeff is truly harmful or not.

Even Jeff was shocked by Jin's words. Just so you know, the moment he stepped inside, his entire hairs on his skin all stood and shivered at the same time. If he wasn't a trained soldier, perhaps he would have pissed himself now just by being stared at by countless monsters that could only be seen in fiction movies and such

'What have I gotten myself into?' Jeff regrettably said to himself. Oh, if only he could turn back time, he would have definitely chosen to go back to his homeland. However, for some reason, he agreed to stay behind and come with Jin.

'Even now, my bad luck is still trying to make my life worse huh?' Jeff mentally chuckled to himself before turning his attention back to the monsters. Hopefully, the monster that would be testing him out isn't as creepy as Frankenstein or the huge Bigfoot he can see behind the crowd of monsters.

"Blueeerghh" While the crowd was looking away, someone suddenly raised his hand among the crowd. What's unusual about this was that the hand was green and waving around like a jelly.

The crowd quickly stepped away from the monster who bravely raised his hand.

Surprisingly, it turns out to be Blobby, the green jelly monster.

"Blob? Put down your hand, are you crazy!?" Wayne and Griffin were shocked that Blob dared to volunteer himself so they quickly tried to convince him otherwise.

Unfortunately for them, Blob turned stubborn this time as it seems like something is driving him for making such a decision.

"Well..Good luck Blob. Don't go overboard on him." Jin then gave Blob a thumbs up before turning around and joining the crowd.

However, he first patted Jeff's shoulders and whispered.

"Don't hold back either. This will determine if you can stay here or not." Jin mysteriously said before walking away.

'I didn't even ask for this. You just tempted me to come with you by telling me about my luck problem.' Jeff's mouth twitched and he said to himself before looking at Blob, his current opponent.

'I mean, he's just a blob of jelly, it shouldn't be that hard, right?'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 142 - Showdown!]

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