Ch. 146 - Discovering

After having such a dream, Jin quickly drank a glass of water and went back to bed. It's still midnight and there's still 2 hours until the sun comes up, so Jin still wants to take a long rest. However, as if the world doesn't want him to, Jin couldn't get a wink of sleep as the memories of his dream are still vivid in his mind.

It was as if he was there himself. Not eavesdropping but he's experiencing it himself. Jin doesn't know how to explain and he doesn't want to bother trying to explain it.

And so, 2 hours have passed and Jin could begrudgingly get up from the bed, frustrated that he didn't manage to get a full 8 hours of sleep.

'Hopefully, that dream would be the last.' Jin silently prayed in his heart.

At first, he was thinking of asking God about it but as if his instincts told him not to, Jin decided against it. Jin doesn't know why his instincts are acting up but as someone who has always trusted his gut, Jin trusted it again this time.

'Is Jeff already awake?' Jin pondered to himself before changing his shirt and leaving the room to the next room beside his.

*This!* x3

"F.B.I, Open up!" Jin loudly smashed his knuckled on the door while shouting, causing a commotion on the hotel floor.

A few seconds later, several heads popped out of different rooms, wanting to witness a possible scandal. Jin even saw someone taking out their phones and possibly started recording what is happening. Though they would be disappointed to see nothing but an average looking man standing in front of a hotel room door.

"There's nothing to see here, people. Scurry off." Jin's irises glowed in a moment like a flash and soon, everyone else's irises also shone like his and they all took off their phones and went back inside their rooms.

At the same time, Jeff finally opened the door and Jin met a man with an unkept hair while yawning and stretching his limbs.

"What time is it?" Jeff asked..

"It's time to save a Gorilla." Jin simply answered before continuing.

"A what?" Jeff's previous sleepy expression disappeared and was replaced by a confused expression. Save a Gorilla? Why does someone like Jin come to the human world just to save a Gorilla?

"Don't ask too many questions. We'll be leaving after 5 minutes, so make sure you're ready or else I'll throw you back to Blobby." Jin strictly said while grinning to himself as he threatened Jeff using Blobby.

"Not him!" Jeff shivered. Until now, he's still having that nightmare. Nightmare of having a tentacle invading his mouth, suffocating him and gagging him. No matter what happens, Jeff doesn't want to experience that again. From now on, Blob is the greatest nightmare in his entire life.

'The moment he mentioned Blobby, I felt my throat being suffocated again.' Jeff touched and held his throat in discomfort. Wondering if it's just this body responding to a trauma.

Jeff then went back to his room to quickly freshen up and fix himself. Although he's not sure if Jin is telling the truth and he would really do it if he's late however, it's much better to be cautious than regret it.

In the lobby, Jin was scrolling through his Iphone 7. Well, it's not his Iphone as he just 'kindly asked' someone to let him borrow it. Who knew there were such kind people in this rotten world.

"Candy Crush? This thing still a trend? Thankfully, there's no TikTok yet, which means this world is still capable of being saved." Jin was scrolling on the App Store when he suddenly came across a certain game that hooked the entire world back then.

"Flappy Bird, huh? So this still exists. What if I play it right now?..." Jin pondered to himself. He doesn't want to accidentally rage himself over a game and accidentally causes an accident.

Though it might be impossible for him to be defeated as the Flappy Bird game required fast thinking and fast reflexes or in other words, fast fingers.


While Jin was busy scrolling on his phone, hurried footsteps suddenly greeted him from behind followed by a ragged breathing of a man.


Turning around, Jin faces Jeff who was pale and seems to be out of breath as he was breathing heavily nonstop.

"Hmm..." Jin looked at the large modernized wall clock in the hotel lobby then turned back to Jeff.

"Well, you're just in time. Let's go." Jin stood up and left the hotel through the front doors, followed by Jeff.


While Jin was busy in the human world.

After Mavis finished reading Jin's letter, she didn't hesitate to pack her clothes and jump through the same window where Jin jumped after turning into her bat form.


"Thankfully, I could still track his scent." Mavis sniffed in the air and sighed in relief. She was thankful to his uncle Wayne for teaching her how to track scents and how to differentiate them. It's one of his birthday gifts for her a few years ago.

She then flapped her bat wings and followed Jin's scent, which will eventually lead her out to the human world.

Back to Jin's room, a few hours have passed before Jin's women entered the room.

Obviously, they were confused by Jin's absence and thought that he was just somewhere around the hotel walking around, or worse flirting with the gothic vampire again.

At least that's what they assumed until they saw a folded paper on Jin's bed.

"What's this?" Rapunzel was the first to pick it up much to Elsa's grumble as she competed with Rapunzel on who would be able to pick the paper first.

Rapunzel then proceeded to read it out loud for everyone to hear.

A few seconds later, their faces were twitching in frustration while Rapunzel was the only one different. Instead of being frustrated, she was actually happy for Jin. She knows what 'Me Time' means and she fully supports Jin's decision for it. She also used to like 'Me Time' back when she didn't meet with Jin yet.

Aside from her, Tigress and Elsa were the only ones confused about the letter, though their misunderstanding on the letter is the reason why they're frustrated. As they thought that Me Time is not a good thing.

"You guys....know what Me Time means, right?" Rapunzel asked them with slight doubt in her tone. Why does it feel like the two of them are being frustrated for no reason.

"Me Time means he'll be alone doing what he wants right?" Elsa answered first with a slight tilt of her head while Tigress also answered soon after.

"It means he'll be pleasuring himself, right?"

"What the? Elsa is kind of right but seriously Tigress? That's literally not what Me Time means." Rapunzel shook her head and said. She was right! Tigress and Elsa indeed didn't understand the meaning of the message!

"Me Time means he'll be focusing on himself and relaxation, without worrying about his problems and issues. Relax, it's just like a vacation, but by himself instead."

"By himself? Then, why do I smell the scent of that vampire here?" Tigress asked referring to the gothic vampire, Mavis.

"That....I don't know." Rapunzel awkwardly smiled as she replied.


While Jin's women were having a conversation about Jin's sudden leave, Dracula and his father, Vlad were having a conversation on their own.

"What?! You lied to Jin that you didn't know he appeared again?!" Dracula just had the biggest shock in his life as his father just revealed to him that Vlad has long known about Jin's resurface to the world.

"You know me, Drac. I've always been looking at him everywhere. There's no way I would miss him when he comes back. What confuses me was where he has gone off after that war. Trust me Drac, I've searched around the world and there's no sign of him. As if he had just vanished. Until...." Vlad then slowly stopped, irritating Dracula as he's already so interested in Vlad's story.

"Until what!? Continue, dad."

"Until I came across the Bible."

"Bible? What's that?" Dracula was very confused by the word that came out of Vlad's mouth.

"It's some kind of story book that most humans read especially in churches." Vlad waved his hand away, as if telling Dracula not to focus on it too much.

"Anyways, where was I? Oh right, the bible. You see, I read this bible when I found one lying around in a human's house. My curiosity got the best of me, so I couldn't hold back and started reading the bible."

"So? That's it? You just read it?" Dracula felt more and more bored and on the verge of leaving the old man in front of him who has probably gone senile due to his old age.

"Let me finish first, dammit!" Vlad couldn't help it anymore and directly smashed his fist on Dracula's head as he shouted angrily.

"Ahh! That hurts!" Dracula rubbed his head and wanted to curse Vlad. But he's his father, what can he do?

"Ehem. Anyways, in this bible, there's a man called Lucifer. Or the bible referred to him as the devil. You know what else is interesting? I searched around a church and found one of the Pope's descriptions of this Lucifer. And guess what, Drac."


"This Lucifer might not have the same face as Jin but his body and wings are the exact same as Jin's! They also describe the devil as a creature with long horns on their heads. Do you know where I'm getting at, Drac?"

"That err- Jin is this Lucifer?" Dracula answered with unsureness in his voice. He has heard from his friends about this but he didn't truly believed it.

"Yes! And the reason we can't find him is because it was said that the devil has a home that is very far away from Earth called Hell."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 147 - Saving the Gorilla!]

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