Ch. 148 - It's the Government's fault!

"This is the fault of the Government! They should've watched over the animals in the zoo! As a matter of fact, animals should be in the wild, not zoos!" An activist shouted on the street while holding a banner. Behind her are several people who are her colleagues, each also holding separate banners.

This activity has caused a great disturbance on the road as vehicles and people alike are aggressively honking their horns and yelling at the activists.

The police were already called and are on their way right now. It's only a matter of when they would arrive to stop the activists.

Inside a cafe, Jin was watching the commotion with keen interest in his eyes. He didn't expect for things to go like this just because of 'kidnapping' Harambe. While this is out of his expectations, this also confirmed some things to Jin.

First is that the Government still has several anti government organizations going against it. How did he know? Simply by reading the mind of the protesters that are protesting in the streets. This protest wasn't only because of Harambe's kidnapping but to gather attention to themselves, for their cause of overthrowing the government.

Lastly but not the least, despite being a good President by conquering several countries that are near the American soil, there are still some people who suspect that something is weird and wrong on their president.

'Hmm, should I meet this guy already? I feel like he would at least give entertainment to my dull life.' Jin tapped his chin a few times before something weird or familiar suddenly caught his eye.

A person wearing a hood that covers his entire body suddenly appeared in his vision and walked along the streets. At first, Jin would just ignore this weird person who he assumed is the infamous emo, however when he saw how people around the person just ignored him, that's when Jin got curious and couldn't help but peek under the dim hood to see who it is using a chi technique.

What he saw inside not only shocked him but his face couldn't help but curve into a large smile.

He wasn't 'her' to be here.


While Jin found out the identity of the hooded person, Mavis was using her powers to make the people around to ignore her while hiding under a long hood that she found on a structure called Target. She doesn't know why it is called that and she simply thinks it's idiotic to put a target on a structure.

What if someone shoots on the target?

Just as Mavis shook her head to get rid of such thought, she failed to notice that a certain someone had started following her.

She doesn't notice it yet as her mind was occupied with the thoughts of meeting her first humans, a real human at that. Unlike the 'humans' that she first encountered that looks weird and moves in a very disgusting way.

Mavis even doubts if what she met that day was truly humans. But since it was her father who told her about it, there's no way he would lie to her about such a thing right? Her father knows how much she likes to meet humans.

When she first met a human recently, she suddenly felt her heart throbbing. She's seeing a real human! Unfortunately, the human that she encountered yelled at her face about looking pale and calling her an 'emo'.

Although Mavis doesn't know what it means, all she knows is that the human is insulting her.

'Take a deep breath, Mavis. Jin said that there is also goodness in humans. I just got unlucky this time.' Mavis inhaled and exhaled before assuring herself.

Unknown to her, someone was following her tracks and she failed to notice it due to being occupied in her thoughts.

Before she knew it, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist and forcefully turned her around before feeling somebody's lips pressing against hers!


Just as she wanted to resist, Mavis opened her eyes and finally managed to clearly see who dared to take her first kiss!

However, her eyes widened in both surprise and excitement as she finally saw the person who stole her first kiss!

"Jin!" Seeing that it was Jin, Mavis quickly leaped forward and attached herself on Jin's body like a koala before taking back his lips with hers.

Jin was surprised by this reaction. At first, he was only intending to surprise her with a kiss while at the same time, assessing what her reaction would be if he made the first move. Normally, his expectation of what would happen next is either Mavis would snarl and fight back or recognize him and shy away in embarrassment, according to what he observed about her personality.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Jin quickly pushed Mavis away from him. As much as he wants to enjoy her small but cute tongue, they're in the public and the moment Jin distracted Mavis by surprising her with a kiss, the mind power that she placed on herself to be ignored by the humans was broken and now they're looking at them with either disgust or jealousy.

Jin could understand the jealousy, however he was confused about the disgust. Are they looking down on him or at Mavis? Both of them are good looking, right?

Unknown to Jin, this year is the era where emo is slowly being forgotten and abandoned by teens and such.

So in their eyes, Mavis is a gothic emo albeit a beautiful one.

But would Jin care about that even if he knows? Hell no, obviously. Why would a tiger care about the opinion of an ant. Unless that Ant is as big as a mountain.

"Let's continue this somewhere else." Jin whispered to Mavis after seeing the confusion and pain in her eyes. She probably thought that Jin didn't like what she just did.

"I-I'm sorry." Mavis gulped her saliva in fear and quickly apologized to Jin before it was too late.

"Huh? What are you apologizing for?" Jin raised his eyebrow in confusion and asked Mavis.

This response from Jin also made Mavis halt her tears and got confused.

And just like that, the two of them just got confused with each other.


"Oh..." Mavis finally had a look of realization dawning over her face.

After Jin brought Mavis back to his hotel room, he quickly asked her why she was apologizing and after having a short conversation where they cleared their confusions, Mavis finally sighed in relief.

Relieved that Jin wasn't mad at her for what she did.

"What are you doing here? No scratch that, how did you find me?" Jin shook his head and asked another question.

"I followed your scent!" After Mavis answered, her head was then raised high as if she was expecting some kind of praise coming from Jin.

Unfortunately for her, Jin just deadpanned stared at her before sighing.

"Look, I don't think you're safe here, you should probably go back to the hotel." Jin's head shook and he strictly said to Mavis.

"B-but why? But you said that not all humans are bad right? They're just like us, there's good and bad. That's why I'm here!" Mavis replied with resolution in her eyes.

"Although that's not a good enough reason but since you're already here, what else can I do?" Jin rubbed his temples and said with defeat in his tone. He might as well use this chance to develop their relationship to another level.

He already has Dracula and Martha's recognition, what else can be the reason for him to hesitate to take a step forward in their relationship?

Tigress and his women? Well,they kind of agreed to him having several other women as long as they were informed about the new woman.

"Yes!" Mavis made a victory expression mixed with delight. Showing how excited she is.

"So, what's our mission? We're infiltrating, right?" Mavis tapped her toes on the ground in excitement. Clearly wanting to have something to do.

"Mission? I'm not here on a mission. I'm actually just here to have fun and relax and since you're already here, you might as well join me in my next destination." Jin patted Mavis's shoulder while showing an apologetic expression.

"So no mission?" Mavis asked for confirmation and after getting Jin's nod, she continued.

"How are we supposed to relax then? The humans are going on a war with us, right? Shouldn't we like, do something to prevent it at all costs?" Mavis pouted.

"It is but a mere insignificant war, my little bat." Jin couldn't resist the urge and his hand moved on its own as it found itself on top of Mavis's head, patting it like she was a child.

"Urrgh, you remind me of dad. He's always messing up my hair like that when I was a child." Although Mavis was complaining, there is an inexplicable smile on her face. Showing her love for her father.

"It's not messing with the hair, Mavy. It's called patting." Jin explained.

"What's patting?"

"It's what I did just now. That's called patting."

"Really? Why do you even want to pat my head. Shouldn't you only do that to your baby?" Mavis said in confusion, she has read several old literatures made by humans and she knows that such an act should only be done to babies.

"That's right, 'MY' baby." Jin said with a teasing smile on his face.

Mavis, who was late to realize, finally realized what Jin meant by his words and she quickly blushed, so she immediately changed the subject.

"A-anyways, what is it you said about relaxing? H-how are we gonna relax?" Mavis looked anywhere but Jin's eyes as she spoke.

Although Jin wanted to tease her more but decided against it.

"Have you ever tried playing video games?" Jin said with a smirk on his face.

"Videyo gems?" Mavis tilted her head and mispronounced the word.

"It's video gam- nevermind, I'll teach it to you later, anyways. Are you interested?"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 149 - Games!]

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