Ch. 169 - The Kraken

"The Instrument of Destruction!" As Abraham dramatically yelled, Ericka who was beside him, raised the weird looking item on her hand that resembles a Kraken's tentacles entangled against another.

"....Alright, I'm gonna admit that the name is cool and really fits on what it can do." Jin raised his hands in surrender while speaking.

"Oh really? You know what this mighty artifact can do? I'm impressed." Abraham seemed surprised at first before waving his hand nonchalantly as if knowing about the artifact changes nothing to his plans.

"You do know that I could just steal that artifact before you can use it, right?" Jin raised his eyebrow and said, however instead of seeing fear in Abraham's eyes, he seemed to be waiting for him to ask this question.

"Haha! That would be the case unless I didn't prepare myself against you people?" Abraham said but before he could continue to state his plans against Jin, he suddenly commented.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean, 'You people?'" Jin raised his eyebrows while crossing his arms as if some kind of offended Karen.

"I have the mo- wait what?" Abraham didn't even manage to finish his words before registering what Jin said. Why does it feel like he's the bad guy now? Isn't he doing this for the sake of humanity?

"You're racist, tsk tsk tsk." Jin continued and shook his head, making Abraham fume in anger, especially when he saw the other monsters following Jin's movements and also shook their heads.

What's even worse is the doubtful looks that the waitresses that are secretly agents are giving him, albeit only for a moment before their professionalism kicked in and the doubts disappeared as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"Shut up! You devil! Take it out!" Fuming in anger, Abraham quickly shut them up by yelling loudly before giving an order to the secret agents that are behind him.

They all nodded in unison and under everyone's curious gaze especially Jin's, they watched as the agents pulled out some weird weapon out of their behinds before pointing them at the monsters, mostly towards Jin.

Raising his eyebrow, Jin decided to be cautious and if those weird weapons can indeed hurt him, then he should be prepared.

Just as Jin was wary over the weapons, the agents finally pulled the trigger.


Several strings of transparent liquid that resemble water squirted out of their weird weapons and landed in Jin's body.

Jin, who was ready to dodge and avoid the water, felt nothing on the water. Normally, he should feel some kind of threat that would warn him but he received nothing, which prompted him to let the water land on his body.



Combined with Jin's expressionless face, makes the scene awkward, especially for Abraham who was just about to introduce his secret weapon against Jin once the said weapon takes effect.

"Is this water?" Jin licked some of the water that splashed on his lips and raised an eyebrow.

"What? N-no! How is that possible? Pope Francis told me himself that this Holy Water is effective against devils like you!" Abraham finally revealed and explained about the 'Holy Water' that they used against Jin.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" Unable to hold his laughter, Jin started laughing out loud much to Abraham's irritation and the agent's confusion.

"Oh come on, old man in a weird machine. Did you really think a normal water that they believed to be blessed by God can affect me? Yes, I'm going to admit I'm a devil but this....this is just water." While holding his laugh in order to explain it, Jin pointed at the weapons in the middle of his explanation.

"W-w-what?" For the first time that his plan went haywire, Abraham's survival instincts quickly took over him, forcing him to look for something that would help him in such a situation.

What else could there be but the Instrument of Destruction that he currently holds.

"I'm sure you haven't noticed this also, right?" Jin smirked before twirling the said weapon on his fingers.

"WHAT?!" Now, Abraham wasn't the only one shocked but also Ericka and the agents behind them. Without the Instrument of Destruction, that means they're at a huge disadvantage now, no it's more accurate to say that their lives lay in the hands of Jin and the monsters.

The agents sweated in fear, scared for their life.

Meanwhile, Ericka was already thinking of ways of how to escape here along with her father, Abraham. But so far, she can't think of anything but jumping out of the sea, however Abraham's machine isn't resistant to water, especially dipping inside the sea.

However, Jin's next words not only shocked them but also his fellow monsters.

"How do I use this thing?" Jin flipped the artifact around several times before giving up and asking Abraham who seems to know more about it. He may have watched the movie but he could barely remember it and Jin doesn't know why.

"....There's a hidden musical note inside once you open it.." Although Abraham was speechless, he still taught Jin how to use it, he's afraid that if he didn't do so, Jin might kill him out of anger.

"I see." Jin nodded his head and much to everyone's surprise, Jin smashed the artifact open and revealed the hidden content.

"Jin!" Aside from Tigress and Rapunzel, Elsa was the only one who seemed to be worried.

As for why Tigress isn't worried? Of course, why should she when she also wants to fight the Kraken, she's been itching for a good fight for an entire month.

And now that the opportunity has presented itself, who is she to refuse such an offer?

While Rapunzel's reason was because she trusts whatever Jin is doing. Elsa was only worried because unlike Tigress, she doesn't like violence and prefers peace over them.

It's not like she doesn't trust Jin either but she just prefers to see peace rather than seeing people getting hurt.

Back to Jin, he was wondering what to do on the piece of paper before remembering that Abraham was the one who brought this artifact which only means one thing and that he must've prepared something to use this musical note.

"I need you to awaken the Kraken." The paper teleported from Jin's hand to Abraham's, further shocking everyone.

"Uh-uhmm, me?" Abraham's intelligent brain seemed to have been fried from the decisions that Jin is making, he doesn't know if Jin is confident in himself or just an idiot that can't wait to be killed.

Nonetheless, Abraham doesn't have any reason to refuse, in fact he's over the heavens right now due to having the illusion that the Kraken could surely beat Jin and protect him.

"Uhh, Jin are you sure about this?" Murray approached Jin and whispered to him worriedly, he has lived long enough to know the horrors of the Kraken, especially to the sailors.

Normally, Murray should be stronger than the Kraken but they're in an environment disadvantage, so Murray has no power in this place.

If they were in a sand environment, then Murray would become nigh-unbeatable by anyone, perhaps only Dracula with his time stop ability could defeat him at that moment.

"Yup, just step aside and let me handle this." Jin winked at them and said, watching as Abraham prepares his piano where he placed the musical note in front of him.


Cracking his fingers, Abraham started playing the piano according to the sheet music in front of him.

*Piano music*


Far across deep inside the sea, a peaceful sleeping Kraken suddenly opens his eyes once his ears catch the sound of the piano playing.

Soon, it didn't take long before his eyes turned red and he quickly swam out of his makeshift bed.

If you look at a bird's view, you will see a tsunami-like wave rushing towards the cruise ship where Jin and the rest lie.

It didn't take long before the Kraken finally showed himself with red eyes and an angry expression, as if someone just pissed him off even though no one did.

Back to Jin, the moment everyone saw the Kraken's appearance, almost everyone except for Jin and his women shuddered in fear just from its sheer size.

"Hahaha! Here it is! You arrogant fool! You're dead!" Seeing the appearance of the Kraken that is under his control, Abraham regained his confidence and yelled on the top of his lungs.

"I'll deal with him later but for now..." Jin chuckled at Abraham's behavior that truly resembles what a villain should be like before facing Tigress and continuing.

"I know you have been itching to fight, so why don't you do the honors this time?" Jin smiled warmly and said, offering her to strike first and have her way with the Kraken.

"You know me so well." Feeling her fighting spirits reawakening, Tigress grins before planting a kiss on Jin's cheeks.


The moment she did that, she didn't hesitate anymore and quickly jumped across the air and met the Kraken face to face.

"Haaahhh!" Delivering a devastating kick towards the Kraken's forehead.


Under everyone's shocked eyes, the Kraken flew backwards before landing back on the sea and sunk in.

Especially Abraham whose jaw dropped from what he just saw.

Isn't Kraken the strongest creature in the sea? How come a mere Tigress who resembles a human managed to knock it down in a single strike?

"Heh. That's my girl." Jin cast a proud smirk after seeing the expressions of the viewers.

"Hmmm." Pouting in jealousy, Rapunzel also wanted to be called that, so she looked at the rising Kraken before a plan arose from her mind.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 170 - Poor Kraken]

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