Ch. 175 - Bob Parr

[Sorry for being unable to publish a chapter yesterday, I was kinda sick and have fever.]


"Honey, I'm going to work" Holding his briefcase, Bob sighed in tiredness as he opened the door and was about to step out when he suddenly heard the shout of his wife.

"Did you take out the trash?"

"I....I'm just about to do it." Bob stuttered and sighed again before going back inside to take out the trash, however just as he got inside where the television is on, he saw something on the television.

[A new hero? A new hero who calls himself Lucifer has just recently appeared this morning at a bank robbery in Metroville where the said hero managed to handle the situation inside without any casualties, however with the Super Relocation Act that was published 13 years ago, how will this Lucifer face the consequence? We are now live on South Metroville Bank where the said robbery occurred.]

"What the?" Dropping his suitcase on the ground with a thud, Bob looked at the television with confusion.

"Hun, didn't I tell you to take out the trash? What are you doing?" Coming out of the kitchen, Bob's wife, Helen Parr came out whilst wearing an apron, indicating that she's in the middle of cooking.

"Wait honey, watch this." Bob replied while not taking his eyes off the television.

"What? Is it a new villain?" Helen sighed, thinking that another villain has appeared and there are no more heroes to put them behind bars, all because of a certain law that is placed on them.

"No, not a new villain. But a new hero!" Bob's previous tired expression was replaced with an excited one.

"Huh? A new hero?" Raising an eyebrow, Helen quickly looked at the television and watched as the newscaster interviewed a police officer.

["I'm not sure if I'm right but this hero's superpowers are teleportation. I've seen it with my own eyes, he teleported inside and I don't know what happened inside but the next thing I knew, the hostages started running outside followed by Lucifer. He also had 4 female companions who were teleported along with him earlier."]

"Oh my god. Is this real?" Helen's eyes were widened in surprise as she didn't expect someone was bold enough to ignore the Super Relocation Act that the government has placed on the heroes. This is similar to spitting on the government official's faces.

"What would happen to that hero now? Surely the government won't let this pass that easily." Shaking her head, Helen felt bad for the new hero who was probably just trying to help the innocent out of pure heart.

"I want to meet this guy. Look at this video of him. He's not wearing any masks! Either he's confident that no one would be able to trace him or he doesn't know that he can be traced. Either way, I admire him for stepping up to the innocent." Bob crossed his arms and nodded his head in approval.

"What's on the tv?" Suddenly, a small girl with long black hair appeared in the middle of them, surprising the Parr family.

"Violet! God, don't give us a scare like that! Where's your brother?" Helen touched her chest to feel her increasing heart beat before asking Violet, their oldest child.

"He's back again eating sweets in the kitchen." Violet monotonously replied.

"Okay, I'll be there right after this. And Violet, please fix your hair. At least learn how to tie it so other people would appreciate you." Helen vent down and fixed Violet's hair by pushing it behind her left ear.

"I like this hair more and besides, who would appreciate me fixing myself anyway." Violet whispered to herself, which unfortunately was heard by her mother.

"What do you mean by that little lady? Everyone would appreciate someone who has good looks and you inherited My good looks, so take care of your appearance, Violet." It seems like Helen doesn't like to see her degrading herself.

"...Fine." Rolling her eyes, Violet turned around and walked away, not interested in the news on the television.

"Hun, take out the trash and go to work, we'll discuss this Lucifer later." Helen approached Bob and fixed his tie before touching his broad chest and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Okay." For the first time since the Super Relocation Act, the long lost excitement on Bob's face appeared once again.


"Where are we now?" Meanwhile, the main subject of their topic was now lost in the Metroville city, not knowing where to go.

"I don't know, you're the one who's leading the way all this time." Rapunzel also complained, though she just doesn't want to admit that she's enjoying the time she's spending with Jin and her sisters.

Meanwhile, Mavis was the most curious and excited of them all as she also wanted to be a hero similar to Jin who just saved several innocent people from the bank robbery.

"Look Jin! You're inside this weird contraption!" Elsa chimed in while pointing at the television.

"Oh that? That's a television!" Mavis puffed her chest and proudly pointed out what the 'contraption' Elsa was referring to. As someone who was with Jin in the human world previously, she was taught by Jin about things that the humans have invented and one of those is the television which is one of the techs that fascinated her the most.

"Television?" Even Tigress and Rapunzel were also curious about the television, this is the first time they have heard of it and unlike Mavis, they weren't with Jin when he was in the human world.

"Yes, it shows the current happenings in the human world called News!" Mavis proudly said, as if she was the creator of the television.

Seeing her face, Jin quickly stepped in the middle before she could further display her senseless arrogance.

"Let's find some place to stay first, we can't find him in just a single day." Jin interrupted them and suggested.l

Mavis stopped in her tracks and smiled while scratching the back of her head, she just realized that she has been too arrogant just now.

"My bad, tee-hee."

"Sigh, let's just look for a nearby hotel." Jin shook his head at her antics and said before asking a passerby for a nearby hotel.


"A room for five please." Once they found the nearest hotel, Jin quickly walked up to the receptionist and spoke.

"....Special room, sir? I presume?" The receptionist first looked at him and then the ladies behind him before speaking.

"Special room?" Jin raised an eyebrow and quickly skimmed through the mind of the receptionist to find out what the special room was.

Even Tigress and the others were also curious about this special room that the lady receptionist mentioned. Could it be some kind of VIP room full of exquisite objects and luxury?

Just as Jin finally found out the meaning of the special room, the lady receptionist answered their curiosities.

"It's room for you and the ladies behind you to fully satisfy your stay in this hotel, sir. We give out free condoms, lubricants and many other items for your stay."

'She's even saying those words with a smile on her face as if it is a normal thing here.' Jin's face twitched at the receptionist and was about to refuse when a certain vampiric goth girl beat him to it.

"We'll take it! We'll stay in this special room!" Almost everyone was shocked to see Mavis taking the initiative and if it wasn't for the deep red blush on her face, they would've thought that she doesn't have any idea what the special room means.

"I see. A feisty one. Here's your room number and the items I mentioned earlier are already on the bed inside. Any other requests sir? Perhaps you need extra condoms just in case you ran out." The receptionist said, maintaining her professional smile.

"No need, thanks." Jin smiled and replied before taking the key on the receptionist's table and was about to find the room number that is displayed on the key when he suddenly heard the thoughts of the receptionist.

'But there's only three condoms in the room though. Is he planning to do raw with one of them? How lucky.'

'Yep, it's confirmed. This thing is not normal, this woman is just a pervert.' Jin shook his head and said to himself.

After using the elevator which once again fascinated Tigress, Elsa and Rapunzel. They finally arrived at the special room.

Once they entered, the first thing Jin noticed was that the lights were red and a little dim, giving the room quite a sexual look.

The bed was heart-shaped and there are several things on top of it, mainly the condoms and the lubricants.

'Yeah, no way I'm using condoms when I can just use chi to unfertilize my cum, so they won't get pregnant. Wait, why am I even thinking about this, it's not like we're here to have sex or something.' Jin chuckled to himself before removing the condoms and lubricants from the bed and placed them on the table next to the bed when he suddenly heard the door closing shut loudly.

"Be gentle at th-." Just as he was about to lecture them, Jin's eyes suddenly widened when he saw the four of them undressing, including Mavis herself.

'Wait, isn't this too fast and besides, I rented a room to rest and sleep not to exhaust myself!' Jin cried inside his mind and unfortunately, no one was there to help him as he was pushed by Mavis herself and got straddled by her, pressing his cock against her slight warm snatch.

"Let's do it now!"



[Power Stones! Muwahahaha!]



[Next Chapter: Ch. 176 - Vampires taste different [Lemon]]

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