Ch. 200 - Back to the world of Kung Fu Panda

"Inner Peace." Meditating in his private room, Master Shifu sighed. It's been a whole day since Tigress and Jin left the Jade Palace. And even though a day has passed, he already missed them.

'They haven't gotten that far yet, right? Maybe they're staying in another village for the night.' Master Shifu said to himself, wondering what the two of them are doing now.

'I'll take some fresh air.' Master Shifu sighed and stood up from his meditation before walking out of the door.

The moonlight soon quickly greeted him the moment he stepped out of the door, giving him quite a welcome.

"How long do I have in this world before I could join Master Oogway in the spirit realm." Master Shifu said to himself before slowly walking towards his favourite spot.

The Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

It took Master Shifu 5 minutes of walking before finally managing to lean his back on the tree and stare at the night sky. Just like what Master Oogway used to do every night.

While staring at the night sky, Master Shifu remembered the aforementioned individual used to say to him.

[In the vast expanse of the night sky, each star has its place and purpose. Just as we must find our own path amidst the darkness, so too must we shine our own light and fulfill our destiny.]

Hearing these words, Master Shifu could finally understand what he meant by it.

People are like the stars, each having their own positions and purpose in this world, just like Jin being the Dragon Warrior and Master Shifu being his master.

'I miss your wise words, Master Oogway. I wish I had somehow inherited it.' Master Shifu sighed in sadness and was about to go back to have some rest when he suddenly felt a pressure on his shoulders, weighing him down on the ground as if 10 logs of trees were pressing on his shoulders.

"W-what is happening?" Master Shifu gritted his teeth and tried to force himself to stand up, only to fall much harder back down on the ground.

Thankfully, the pressure didn't last long and after a few minutes, the pressure dissipated, which prompted Master Shifu to stand up and quickly rush back to the Jade Palace only to be met with his students all wearing their uniforms and prepared, only Po was wearing his night wear

"Master, what was that? Could it be that we have been invaded?" Monkey asked worriedly, the others also looked at Master Shifu, looking for answers similar to Monkey.

"No, I don't know. But what I felt is different, so it's not chi." Master Shifu tapped his cane on the ground while tapping on his chin in ponder.

"...Patrol the Jade Palace and then the Valley of Peace. We're not the only ones who have felt it and if such pressure could force us to kneel on the ground, then I can't imagine what the citizens must have felt." After a bit of contemplation, Master Shifu took the mantle of being the leader of the Jade Palace since Jin is technically away for now, so he gave them orders.

"Yes, Master!" They all straightened their backs and replied in unison before they all disappeared at the same time.

Meanwhile, Master Shifu rushed back towards the Jade Palace, thinking that if there's something that someone of such caliber would want, then the said thing must be in their possession.

'Jade Palace contains so many forbidden Martial Art techniques, if these things are stolen right under my nose, I wouldn't be able to face Master Oogway if somehow we met.' Master Shifu mentally said before arriving at the entrance of the Jade Palace and thankfully, nothing seemed to be out of place.

'Everything's good. Now, it's time t-.' Just as Master Shifu sighed in relief and was prepared to go down to the Valley to extend his help when he suddenly felt a pressure coming from behind, albeit a bit weaker than the pressure he felt previously.

Quickly turning around, Master Shifu's eyes widened in surprise at seeing a large reddish circle forming in mid-air.

Before Master Shifu could analyze what the circle means and what it is, a red being with a huge build then stepped outside of the portal, showing his full glory to Master Shifu.

"It's been a long time since I last felt what it feels like to breathe air!" The devil stretched his limbs, showing his huge to almost popping muscles to Master Shifu who squinted his eyes at the being in front of him.

He could sense that the being in front of him is a very strong individual, he doesn't know how strong but Master Shifu trusts his instincts, so as long as his senses tell him how strong his opponent is, Master Shifu wholeheartedly trusts it.

"Who are you? Trespassing to the Jade Palace without permission will get you to prison!" Master Shifu decides to take the initiative to speak after seeing how the devil just ignores him and looks around as if he hasn't seen Master Shifu.

"Hm? Who are you, you little animal?" Finally noticing him, the devil bent his hips and looked down on Master Shifu, referring to him as an animal as an insult.

Unfortunately for the devil, this world revolves around animals, so Master Shifu felt nothing wrong with what the devil said and thought that he was referring to him by his race.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself, you heard me." Master Shifu squinted his eyes at the devil and pointed his cane towards him.

"Yes, yes I've heard. But I don't remember talking to a dead person." As soon as Master Shifu heard those words, he glared at the devil and this is enough for Master Shifu to determine who the weird red being in front of him is.

An enemy!

"Leave the grounds of the Jade Palace or bear the consequences!" Master Shifu loudly announced while stomping the butt of his cane on the ground, asserting his dominance over his opponent.

"You? Letting me bear the consequences? How about you bear the consequences of talking to me that way!" As soon as the devil spoke those words, he suddenly disappeared which was the last thing Master Shifu saw before he felt pain in his abdomen.


Thrown away, Master Shifu collided with several of the artifacts before stopping when he collided with a pillar.

"Hmm? You managed to resist a punch from mine? Good, I thought it would become boring to conquer this world. Lord Satan might have told us to do it as fast as we can, but my Lord will definitely understand me from taking too long." Hearing the devil's words, Master Shifu who has been recovering from being out of breath, was shocked by the words of the devil.

After feeling what the devil can do, Master Shifu doesn't doubt that the devil has the potential to turn what he said to truth.

'The others must be warned! He's just alone, we can take him on all at once!' Master Shifu said to himself, thinking of ways on how to tell his students about the devil in front of him when he suddenly heard explosions and screams outside the Jade Palace.

"Oohh~ my minions must've started by now." The devil grinned to himself while speaking out loud, deliberately wanting to see the look of despair on Master Shifu's face after realizing that he's not alone.

Much to his pleasure, Master Shifu has indeed shown a look of despair and fear on his face, making the devil almost moan from euphoria.

"Yes! Yes! That look is the reason why conquering worlds is so fun!" The devil licked his dried red lips while staring at Master Shifu.

Seeing this, Master Shifu suppressed these feelings and quickly made his face devoid of emotions, which angered the devil.

"Tsk, fine. Then you have outlived your use then." Immediately, Master Shifu used his cane to block the incoming punch from the devil who has surprisingly appeared in front of him once again.

Master Shifu could tell that the devil is using nothing but sheer speed, with the strong winds blasting on his face confirming this.



However, much to Master Shifu's shock, the cane that Master Oogway bestowed upon him before going to the spirit world was snapped in half.

"No!" Master Shifu cried out in surprise and sadness, bending down to pick up the snapped cane. But would the devil allow him to do that?

The devil quickly delivered a fast but very strong strong kick towards Master Shifu's face, throwing him across the Palace and penetrating through several pillars and walls before ending up outside of the Palace.

"Cough! Cough!" Coughing out blood from his mouth, Master Shifu weakly raised his head to look at the devil slowly stepping out of the hole that was created after being blown away.

Blood trickled on Master Shifu's head and splinters can be seen stabbing on his small arms and chest.

Just two strikes coming from the devil, Master Shifu who was renowned across the entire world, was reduced to such a state. Showing how strong his opponent is.

"I don't normally do this but since you can still breathe despite facing two blows from me. I'll give you the honor to state your last words." The devil spoke with a grin on his face.

"....My time has finally come. My students, you are now on your own." Weakly looking out on the Valley of Peace which is now lit in flames, Master Shifu shed a single tear as he knew that he would die from the hands of the devil.

How shameful for a master like him to die after three blows from an enemy.

"Weird words but not the worst one I heard." The devil shrugged his shoulders before lighting his fist on dark red flames.

"Well, then remember my name in your next life. My name is Malphas the Malevolent, the general serving under my Lord Satan!" The devil said before delivering his burning hands down towards Master Shifu who closed his eyes and has surrendered to his fate.






[Next Chapter: Ch. 201 - A bad feeling]

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