Ch. 208 - Wiping out Satan's Subordinates

"Come here, you mere bat!" Pointing his scythe towards Dracula, Thamuz then taunted him.

"Wow, it's been a long time since I was insulted like this." However instead of getting angry at the insult, Dracula was even happy that someone was finally treating him differently aside from Jin.

"Don't delve into your thoughts, you brat." Before Dracula could react, Vlad sprints past him, only giving a blow of wind to Dracula's face before Vlad arrived first in front of Thamuz.

"I'll be your opponent, devil. Entertain me for a while." Flashing a grin, Vlad dodged the scythes that whizzed over his head, intending to decapitate him.

'That was fast.' Was the only thing Vlad could say to himself before the scythe that went past him suddenly changed directions and made a U-turn.


Using his sharp overgrown nails, Vlad blocked the scythes for a few seconds before the molten heat of the blades of the scythes melted his nails.

Thankfully, Vlad reacted fast enough and already went out of the way before the scythes could slice him in half.

"For a mere bat, you're like a cockroach." Thamuz taunted again, trying to use psychological tactics to make Vlad take the initiative to strike instead of evading.

"Did you really think I would fall for such a thing?" Vlad's mouth twitched and expressed. However, a certain someone surely fell for it.

"Come here, you devil!" Whizzing beside Vlad, Dracula dashed towards the scythe wielding devil before delivering a smooth kick towards Thamuz's head.

"Heh." Thamuz silently rejoiced inside his mouth before opening his mouth and spewing lava toward Dracula's figure, ignoring the kick that landed on his face which did nothing but put a slight dent on his face armor.

"Oh no, hot!" Seeing the incoming lava that already burns his skin just by being near it, Dracula quickly backed away just in time for the lava to land and splash on the ground, melting the floor.

Not noticing the flying scythes that somehow found their way rushing towards Dracula's back, Vlad quickly reacted in time and pushed his son away from his position.

Watching as the scythes slowly nears him, Vlad closed his eyes and braced himself knowing that it is impossible to dodge the projectile.

"Grandpa!" Much to everyone's shock, the shadows around the vicinity suddenly came to life and formed an orb with Vlad being in the middle of it.

At the same time as the cocoon surrounded Vlad, the two scythes made contact with the said cocoon.

And under everyone's eyes, the scythes were successfully blocked by the shadow cocoon.

"Don't you hurt my Grandpa!" Roaring in anger, Mavis arrived in front of Thamuz and used telekinesis to manipulate the nearby stones before smashing them towards Thamuz, sandwiching him in the middle.

Meanwhile, the shadow cocoon moved towards a safe place by itself before uncovering Vlad, who was shocked by the sudden turn of events.

"I just felt like I was back in my mother's womb." Vlad mumbled to himself before watching the current fight between Thamuz and his granddaughter, Mavis.

While Dracula wanted to join the fight but was stopped when lava suddenly started spewing from the gaps on Thamuz's body, surrounding him and Mavis with lava, preventing everyone from getting close to them due to the sheer heat coming from the scattered lava.

"You...Why do you look familiar?" Squinting his eyes at Mavis, Thamuz felt like he have seen her somewhere.

"Nope. It's not like I did anything to catch your attention like killing thousands of devils in Hell or killing the Devil Sin of Lust, Asmodeus." Mavis snorted and sarcastically replied.

"It's you!" Thanks to Mavis's 'Reminders' Thamuz finally remembered where he heard of Mavis.

Tales of four women who are wreaking havoc across the entire Hell to the point that even causes headache to the Sin Devils.

Thamuz was also one of the devils who were sent to deal with them but unfortunately, Hell is as large as a Universe so finding four people is like finding a needle in a haystack as large as a football stadium.

"Yes! It is I!" Placing her hands on her hips, Mavis flashed a smug look towards Thamuz, angering him.

"I'll kill you and serve your fresh body for Lord Satan to feast on!" Throwing his scythes towards Mavis, Thamuz then started running towards her, intending to use the scythes as his stepping stone to rise in the air.


As soon as Thamuz successfully stepped on the scythes to rise in the air, he then manipulated his scythes to come back to his hands and sliced them down towards Mavis.

"That's a big brain move." Mavis nodded her head in approval before tilting her body slightly to dodge the molten blades of the scythes.

She can tell from a distance that those scythes can surely injure her despite having a very tough skin.

'Those scythes are definitely not made from simple rocks drowned in lava.' Mavis said to herself while observing the scythes.

Unknown to Thamuz, someone had just set her eyes on his scythes, intending to take them as a trophy.

Just as Thamuz tilted his body to move mid-air so he could deliver a kick towards Mavis, the shadows on the ground suddenly sprung into the air and wrapped itself on Thamuz's body before slamming him back down on the ground.

'Thankfully, shadows can still be seen despite nighttime.' Mavis sighed in relief before letting go of her flight, allowing the gravity to pull her back down on the ground, right exactly towards the crater where Thamuz was smashed into.

Putting strength on her feet, Mavis successfully landed on Thamuz's body and due to the lava inside his body, it splashed outside and was about to burn Mavis when she suddenly backflipped and moved away.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Followed by his yell, the surrounding air suddenly exponentially increased in large degrees, effectively causing everyone to hyperventilate and sweat heavily despite being away from Thamuz when it comes to distance.

Squinting her eyes while using chi to protect her skin from the heat, Mavis's vision can see Thamuz's body that slowly grows in size.

If before he was 10 feet tall, now he's 2 feet taller. Not only that, the lava on Thamuz's body starts to ooze out and flood the entire vicinity in lava.

"Everyone, back away!" Seeing the massive change happening, Dracula quickly grabbed his wife's hand and pushed everyone away.

Thankfully, the devils that Thamuz had brought with him are now effectively eliminated, leaving only Thamuz as the only devil around them.


Arriving at the Hotel Transylvania world, Jin noticed the large smoke rising from afar.

Using his senses, he quickly spotted the monsters along with a single devil.

Knowing who it is thanks to his omniscience, Jin quickly teleported himself along with the three women behind him.




As soon as Jin arrived, he immediately noticed Mavis fighting with someone.

'If my memory serves me correctly, the devil she's fighting should be Thamuz, one of Satan's Generals, which is also the strongest and probably the last one.' Uttering those words to himself, Jin stood still in his place, wanting to entertain himself by watching the fight.

"Man, why does Mavis get to fight such a strong devil?" Pouting, Rapunzel cutlery complained while Tigress rolled her eyes.

"She deserves it. During our time in Hell, we always have the most kills compared to her."

Thankfully, the fight didn't take long before Thamuz perished under Mavis's hands, as it pierced through his armored body and grabbed his flaming heart, ignoring the lava that was swimming on Mavis's wrists.

During her time of fighting, Jin has already explained the cause of the invasion to Vlad and Dracula. Of course the explanation is limited, he didn't exactly tell them everything.

"Jin!" After crushing the flaming heart on her hand, only then did Mavis jumped and hugged Jin, pressing her bosom on his face.

She has long noticed their presence and her fight with Thamuz is the only thing stopping her from hugging Jin and giving him several kisses.

"Good to see you again, Mavis. Looks like you just had your fun. Well, don't worry, you all will definitely have more fun than this." After the hug, Mavis quickly planted her lips on Jin's, before Jin reciprocated them and they separated.

"More fun?" Instead of Mavis, it was Tigress who spoke behind him excitedly.

"Yes, more fun. You guys know that Angels and Devils are long time enemies and now that I'm back to my rightful place, the war will resume and until I commence with my plan, we'll continue with our war with them." Jin explained.

"Plan? What plan?" As the most forgetful one among them all, Rapunzel was confused as to what plan Jin was talking about.

"The plan of making a separate individual that will become an enemy of everyone including Angels and Devils." Jin said then continued.

"Normally, I should be the one who will do that but after everything that has happened, I decided to change it."

"What kind of changes?" Raising an eyebrow, Elsa expressed her curiosity.

"Instead of making a clone of myself, I would repeat the same process as what happened to me. But instead of separating my soul to reincarnate, I'll fish out a soul from a random universe before giving it boons that will help him throughout his journey to becoming the enemy of the entire Multiverse."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 209 - Finale (1)]

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