Ch. 211 - Finale (3)

".....And today people. I shall manage your country and make it great such as myself." Standing behind a brown desk, Dracula was stating his speech according to a script that he wrote himself.

Standing behind him was Frankenstein and Wayne in formal attire.

Meanwhile, camera lights kept flashing over then every time either Dracula or the two behind him moved.

And so with that, Dracula ended his speech and every one listening all across the world was still shocked that the infamous Dracula wanted to take over the country of the US.

Didn't they just elected a new President just a few months ago? And now there would be another new president and an infamous monster at that? Was it really that easy to become a president of the US?

It all started a few weeks ago during the invasion of the devils.

It turns out, the fight took place in the outskirts of New York and what else is there in New York but millions of population?

Thanks to a few campers and mountaineers taking a video for the entire fight and even almost dying to some devils if it wasn't for some monsters saving them, the video of them went viral across the globe.

If before, people thought that Monsters were evil, now they see them as heroes and good people.

No one knows who started it but there's a rumor that their previous president actually wanted to eliminate all of them by manipulating a Kraken.

Normally, such rumors would be dismissed but behold, the infamous Dracula stepped forward and presented them with solid evidence of Van Helsing's schemes.

"Why did you want to run for president?" After the speech, questions from reporters quickly came rushing towards Dracula with their mics stretched forward.

"In order to implement a law that will make monsters and humans live happily together without discrimination." Dracula answered fluently. He was fully prepared this time thanks to his daughter who helped him settle the things and all he have to do is to show up and deliver his script.

Memorizing the script wasn't even a challenge for someone like him who has an eidetic memory.

"How old are you, Mr. Dracula? According to our history knowledge about you, it is said that you're over 500 years old, is that true?" Another reporter asked, the said question being out of topic from Dracula's presidency.

"Exactly 545 years old." Raising his chest in pride, Dracula proudly corrected the reporter and stated his true age to all of them.

"How did you achieve vampirism, Mr. Dracula?"

"Maybe you should ask my father about that."

"Are you not the first vampire in existence, Mr. Dracula?" The reporter who asked the previous question asked again but this time, out of confusion instead of the script.

"No. Of course not, from what I know, Vampires have been part of the world since the birth of humans. So, apart from humans, we're also one of the oldest races in the world." Dracula answered prior to what he knows from his father's mouth.

"...." Unknown to Dracula, his words just changed everyone's viewpoint. All this time, they have always thought that Count Dracula is the oldest and first vampire in existence.

"Anyways, that's all for the question, thank you everyone." Ending the question, Dracula quickly stepped back and started walking away, much to the reporters' disappointment.

"Wait! Mr. Dracula please answer my question!"

"Mr. Dracula please!"

"Mr. Dracula, just one more question!"

Unfortunately for them, Dracula didn't stop walking until he's already out of everyone's view.

And with that, every one was escorted outside of the newly furbished Oval Office that is much larger than usual.


"You were so cool back there, Drac." Giving him a thumbs up, Dracula felt great thanks to Frankenstein.

"Yes, you're indeed cool back there." Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice.

"Jin?" Turning around in surprise, the monster trio widened their eyes.

"It's nice to see you again Drac and it seems like you're doing good." Jin nodded his head as a greeting before continuing.

"What are you doing here, Jin? You should've told me in advance so I could welcome you properly." Dracula approaches Jin and gives him a deep hug, clearly having a meaning behind.

'Maybe he was thankful?' After reading Dracula's mind, he finally knows why.

It turns out, Mavis told Dracula that it was him who gave her the strength to contend with devil Thamuz.

"It's fine. I won't stay long anyway, I have many other things to do." Jin shook his head and engaged with Dracula in a conversation.


Going back to his throne, Jin continued watching over the Multiverse before eventually setting his sights on his women.

"Hmm? Why is she fighting with the General?" Raising an eyebrow, Jin wondered why Tigress was fighting his army's General.


Teleporting among the crowd, Jin changed his appearance and blended in the crowd.

He heard chanting of the General's name while Rapunzel, Elsa and Mavis were the only ones shouting for Tigress's name.

Facing each other, Tigress and the General whose name is Ferot, were waiting for each other to make the first move.

"Why aren't you taking the first strike? Didn't you want to challenge your 'Father's' woman?" Raising an eyebrow, Tigress taunted Ferot.

"You'll regret this, woman! You know nothing about the devils and you dare try to replace me!" Ferot angrily pointed his sharp finger claws towards Tigress and growled.

'Hmm, so it was Tigress who provoked him first?' Quickly piercing things together and knowing Tigress's personality, he quickly caught up with how this situation came to be.

Obviously, Tigress wanted to lead the invasion, mainly because she thinks that leading the invasion would give her the most benefits of having to fight as many enemies as she wants.

"Watch me bring you down." Smirking at the challenge, Tigress didn't back down.

"Raaarrrgh!" Finally having enough of Tigress, Ferot rushed forward and slashed his claws down towards Tigress's head, intending to slice her head into four slices like bread.

Unfortunately for the devil, his opponent is not someone that can easily be defeated.

Stepping aside, Tigress effectively dodged the claws and delivered a very fast kick towards Ferot's abdomen. Although Tigress could've gone for the head but this is simply a spar and she doesn't intend to kill the other party.

Though Ferot doesn't seem to share the same thoughts as her as Ferot intended to kill Tigress, blinded by rage they he failed to notice that his opponent is none other than his lord's woman.

Catching Tigress's legs due to the height differences which gave him a slight advantage in combat, Ferot used his enormous strength to throw Tigress away.


Letting herself be thrown away, once she reached a certain distance, Tigress's backflipped in mid-air before softly landing on the surface without any visible injuries.

"That's it?" Provoking Ferot once again, Tigress then manipulated her chi to form a whip and slapped it towards Ferot.

Catching it with his bare hands, Ferot grinned, before noticing the steam coming out of his hand.

"Haaahhh!" Screaming out in pain, Ferot dropped the chi whip and used his energy to heal his hand.

Taking advantage of this, Tigress made her move and kicked Ferot on his chest, throwing him away from his position.

While mid-air, Tigress quickly followed by grabbing his foot and slamming him hard down on the ground.


Crashing down the ground, Ferot tried to get up only to be slammed back down on the ground when Tigress stomped her foot on his chest.

"Yield." She coldly said while staring down at him.

"You think I will surrender to a lowlife like you! Just because Father likes you doesn't mean everyone does too!" Spitting out a black blood, Ferot angrily claimed, getting a raised eyebrow from the Father himself.

'Looks like Hell isn't as stable as I thought it would be. Maybe I should've announced that the four of them are my wives.' Jin pondered to himself and watched as Tigress brought down her fist on Ferot's face, ending the battle once and for all.

"From now on, I'll be in charge of all of you!" Tigress looked at the crowd that changed from shock to fear before yelling at them.

"Whoever resists me, will meet the same fate as this devil!" Tigress continued by pointing at the fallen body of their previous General.

"Am I clear!"

"....Y-Yes!" After a moment of silence, no one knows who shouted first because all they know is that the first shout is their trigger to follow up.

"Yes, General Tigress!" Soon, Tigress's status changed from a mere 'low-life' to a General of their army.

*Clap!* x10

Suddenly, among the crowd, someone started clapping.

"Good! Good! You did a good job, my love. In the real world, only strength matters." Much to every devil's shock, the Father himself were among them.

"Father!" They all chanted his name and kneeled down on the ground with reverence in their eyes.

"....As for the disappointment. Bring him down to the underground, he would serve mining resources for ten thousand years as a punishment." Jin looked down on the fallen General on the ground before giving out an order.

Soon, two devils stepped forward and carried the fallen General's body, transporting him to the mines.

"As you can see, General Tigress will now be leading you with her three assistants." Jin loudly declared before gesturing for Rapunzel, Elsa and Mavis to step forward and introduce themselves.

Jin could see some shift their bodies uncomfortably. It seems like some were not comfortable in having four women leading them to a war after millions of years.

'Soon, they'll change their perspectives on them.' Jin confidently said to himself, all it needs is for his women to gather glory through the war.


[The Rewrite of the fanfic is out now on my Patreón!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 212 - Finale (4)]

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