Ch. 214 - The Epilogue


"This is for the sake of the balance, Jin." Inside God's domain, only Jin and obviously God himself can be seen talking to each other.

"Balance here, Balance that. What kind of balance is this that even a being such as you worry about?" Jin got confused by the words of God and this time, he intends to get his answer.

" a concept that transcends everyone's understanding. If you think balance is about the neutrality of two certain things then you're still miles away from truly understanding it." God continued with a single second stop before continuing.

"Balance is more than just that. It is a concept where two or more forces fights for power with the intention to defeat the opposite force but at the same time, they need one another. Remove one and the balance will break, the remaining forces would turn into chaos. Which is why, if one force disappears, the other forces must wait until either another force replaced the previous force or the previously gone comes back."

"Balance is not about fighting for the upper-hand, it's about needing each other for the betterment of everything in existence." After God finished, Jin stopped and starts to contemplate.

"....If what you said is true then when Lucifer disappeared, how come nothing bad happened?" He asked.

"Did you really think I stayed idle all this time? In order to immediately restore balance, did you think I would let millions of my angels to sin? I sacrificed them for the betterment of the balance." God replied with a sad shake of his head. Although he was sad for sacrificing them, but if it is for the greater good, then he's willing to do that.

"....So my plan is still plausible." Jin squinted his eyes and whispered to him, though his whisper was still heard by God who asked.

"What plan, Jin? Come on, let me in on it." God teased slightly.

"Old man...." Twitching his lips, Jin wanted to burn the image of God raising both his eyebrows several times at him.

"Sigh. To maintain the balance even if one or two forces disappeared, we must have something in the middle to temporary replace the disappeared forces until we find a solution to bring them back. At least that way, the balance wouldn't be disturbed." Jin explained and stopped, gesturing for God to start asking questions in case he's curious and has questions for him.

"This is good but who do you plan to be this 'Middleman'." God asked with raised eyebrow.

"That's something I haven't find yet. But in order to ensure that it won't go out of our control, I have a plan." Jin then proceeded to tell this plan to God, whose eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure this will work? I have tried the same but failed."

"Just a keyword there 'YOU' tried but now that I'm here, is there still a reason to fail?" Jin smirked and confidently said, though God felt like Jin slightly insulted him in disguise.

"Fine. We'll go with your plan then. If this truly works, then perhaps Eternal Balance would be achieved." God nodded his head and said. Though the war between two sides is inevitable.

[End of Flashback.]



And now, Jin's current mission is to find a suitable person that would be the 'Middleman' of the entire Multiverse.

'Well I'm not in a hurry and God is also looking, so I could take my sweet time.' Jin said to himself before teleporting to his throne room where he was met with three Sin Devils along with his four women.

"Why is there only three of you? Where's Belphegor?" Jin asked, he could've used his Omniscience to look for the answer but they're already, he might as well asked them.

"Father, Belphegor had.....sadly passed away due to his battle with the Seraphim Gabriel." Beelzebub bowed his head out of fear as he reported the bad news. After all, who would want to be the bearer of bad news?

"....Hmmm." Simply squinting his eyes, Jin's eyes darted from the remaining Sin Devils to his four women.

Four Sins are already dead.

"Good!" Much to everyone's surprise, especially the Sin Devils, Jin started laughing and clapping his hands.

"Since four Sins are available then I have just the perfect people fitting for the positions." Jin grinned before looking at his women, who were as clueless as the Sin Devils.

"Tigress, come forward." Jin ordered with a cold voice, stunning Tigress who stepped forward like a robot being commanded.

"As you possess the Pride not only as a warrior but also a woman of mine. From now on, you shall be the new Sin of Pride. Bear this title with pride." Jin smiled and finished his announcement.

"You may step back. Rapunzel, come forward." After Tigress backed away with realization in her face, Rapunzel excitedly stepped forward and even getting a bit close to Jin.

'I can't wait to get mine! I wonder what I will be? The Sin of Wrath? Yes, that should be mine!' While monologuing to herself, Jin finally announced her title.

"As someone who always wants to be the dominant one on the bed even though you're the one being dominated in the end. You shall bear the title of Sin of Lust. Bear it with Lu- Pride."


As if something cracked within herself, Rapuzmle stuttered and tried to counter Jin's announcement.

Unfortunately, Tigress grabbed her by the armpits and like a statue, she was carried away so the other could step forward and receive their titles.

"Elsa, you may come forward."

Doing the same as the previous two, Elsa quietly stepped forward so she could receive her Sin title.

"Elsa, as you have shown the coldness of not only the heart but also the heart, which made you inactive in many activities With that, you deserve the title of Sin of Sloth. Bear it with Pride." As silent as always, Elsa bowed her head in courtesy before stepping back.

Without even speaking, Mavis tip-toed in front of Jin and stood straight while saluting.

"Mavis Dracula, ready for duty!" She said.

"As you have shown your ferocity in battle and the wrath when your friends are in danger, you deserve the title o-."

"Sin of Wrath, right!" Bending in front of Jin, Mavis's eyes met with Jin's.

"....Sigh, yes the Sin of Wrath. Though you should've let me finish." Jin smiled wryly while speaking, though Mavis's response was something he wasn't expecting.

"Not fair, you always 'finish' in Tigress, Elsa or even Rapunzel." Speaking with a pout, the surrounding turned silent.

Elsa: "...."

Rapunzel: "...."

Tigress: "...."

Sin Devils: "...."

Jin: "ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ"

"Ehem, you may now step back, Mavis and we'll have a 'talk' later." Jin glared at Mavis who cutely stuck her tongue out of her lips.

After they formed a line again but this time, they were beside the Sin Devils.

"Rapunzel, as you have become the Sin of Sloth, you may take Asmodeus's territories for yourself."

"Elsa, as you have become the Sin of Sloth, you may take Belphegor's territory."

"The same goes for you Mavis, you take Satan's territory." After finishing up with Mavis, Jin turned his head towards his first woman, Tigress.

"Tigress, as I have the territory, you shall pick any available territories in Hell for your choosing and once you're done, you may proceed with creating your first devil subordinates." After Jin was done, he saw Rapunzel raising her hand like a kinder student


"How does she create a devil? She doesn't have the power."

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you that but bearing the title of the Sins, you have gained not only personal power but also slight authority inside Hell, so that includes being able to create living beings, albeit only devils. So as long as they're chaotic and full of evil, only your imagination is the limit." After Jin finished, he scanned his eyes over the 7 of them.

"Now that the vacants has been filled, you may now proceed to your respective places and leave." After Jin said those words, the Sin Devils bowed their heads to him, including his four women.

One by one, they started to leave, giving Jin a sigh in relief.

"That was exhausting. It's so hard to be formal." Wiping off the nonexistent sweat from his eyebrows, Jin shifted his focus to his current problem.

Finding a person to be the Middleman.

'Obviously, if I were to look for one, he must possess the qualities of Kindness and also Evil. To be a Middleman, one must bear the Order and Chaos inside him. So, I'll be looking for a person on Earth.'

'So, I'm quite like a ROB.' Jin chuckled to himself. Though unlike other ROBs, he won't be granting any wishes.

He's only read his desire and manipulate his gift to fit in.

He might give the reincarnator a chance to live his life in fun but as time goes on, he'll slowly reveal his true purpose for being reincarnated.

And since Jin is quite cautious of the chosen Middleman going out of control, he would place a few contingencies, shall the Middleman shift away from the path he's destined in.

And so, Jin closed his eyes and started scanning the entire Multiverse, searching for normal universes with a normal Earth.

It didn't take long for him to finally find the one and sensing the other gaze beside him, Jin could tell that God has also set his sights on the man or teenage boy they found.

'Leo, huh?' Jin smiled to himself as he watched the boy's entire life up until he became a teenager.

Obviously, the teenager has a slight anomaly.

The teen was deaf since birth and that is something Jin could take advantage of.

"Leonard D. Caprio. Prepare for your journey." Jin smiled and announced very loudly, something that only he could hear.

"You will be our solution to the balance."

[The End?]


[It's finally the end. Wow. The journey was so long! Though I regret not taking care of the fanfic which drove it into a rewrite but worry not, there is a rewrite!

Though instead of a rewrite, you can almost call it Book 2 of this fanfic with different mc and different everything, the chosen worlds are the only thing that haven't changed.

And since this fanfic only managed to cover only 3-5 worlds out of all the chosen worlds, the rewrite would be covering all of the other worlds, so expect a weaker mc so the fanfic would last longer and be able to interact with the worlds without relying on PLOT.]

[That's all....Thank you for accompanying me in this journey and I apologize for those who have high expectations for this fanfic. I have failed you all.]