Chapter 1: Sakai Legacy

After many events occured in Ghost of Tsushima, Japan was now at peace but they recall the Sengoku Jidai and other historical events in japan after the mongol invasion. When quirks began to emerge it is either a blessing or a curse. Many years later Japan later, new profession called Heroes these men and women are responsible to keep the peace in one country with their gifts and Villains are the opposite as they wreak havoc for their own desire using their gifts.

And here we begin our journey of a small boy who has a heart of pure gold and determination unlike any other person with his dream of being a hero one day until...

"Sorry kid but you have to give up being a hero" a Quirk doctor said to him and his mother.

The young boy's name is Izuku Midoriya, his life would turn for the worst. Everybody began bullying him even his childhood friend. Teachers and other peers began ignoring him due to a lack of quirk. Everytime he goes out to play or to get errands, when he always returned home carrying a bruise or an injury. But in the end he pretends to be fine infront of his mother but his mother knew how to read him because she learned it by her parents also known as Izuku's grandparents.

This continues every single day until one day

"Hello this is the Midoriya residence" Inko said into the telephone.

"hello my sweet daughter how is the family there in mainland" a respond coming from the telephone.

Inko was Shocked and surprised that the response from the phone is her father.

"Father!?! is that you!" inko responded back with both shock and excitement.

"Oh my goodness! are you ok father is everything alright there?" She asked then

"I'm alright but...You seem to have some trouble judging by your tone"He said in a serious tone on the phone. Inko began losing his exitement and said "Its about your grandson Izuku he-" Inko can't hold his tears and began to tear up

"Everytime he goes out either playing or run some of my errands when he return he always have bruises and burn marks all over his body and I knew when the doctor said that he's quirkless and everybody around him exept me began-" then Inko cried

because she can't control how much she has to go through seeing his beloved son getting bullied and neglected around him until

"I get it now since the arrival of these so called quirks no got me thinking about this so called "Hero Society"being perfect" He said in a very serious tone "Our ancestor Jin has to go through many challenges and other impossible odds to keep Japan and Tsushima safe from the grasp of the mongol invaders" He said and Inko began to realize what he is planning to do

"You don't mean you have to train him to be- no father you can't!" She said in a worried and fearful tone.

While Inko was in a middle of a phone call we turn to Izuku's POV.

"Hahahahahahahahaha take that you useless Deku" A kid laugh at him

after pushing him to the ground and others began to follow then a familiar kid to Izuku began using his quirk to explode him. This Kid's name is Katsuki Bakugo Izuku's former Childhood friend turned to bully because of him being quirkless.

"Hahaha thats what you get you quirkless nerd" Bakugo said to him in a very cocky tone

While Izuku tried to endure the pain but it still hurts after bakugo exploded him. Izuku is now 11 years old and still gets bullied by others in middle school while the teachers still ignores whats going on and praises Bakugo for being the top of their school in Aldera and after classes its 4:30pm after school he is covered in dirt, scrapes, bruises, and burn marks in his body as he went home until he notices that his mom began to pack up his and her belongings in a stroller bag and duffle bags Izuku began to ask his mother

" whats going on?" he asked

why his is mother is packing up and then his mother responded

"were going to your grandparents in Tsushima"

Izuku was shock about the response "my grandparents? why?" he asked

then Inko said

"Just come with me and your grandparents will explain everything about it"

then Inko finds her ferrie tickets to Tsushima and she asked izuku to grab his bags and his personal belongings. "Ok looks like we're ready to go now come Izuku let go to Tsushima" she said to Izuku.

-To Be Continue