Chapter 3: Ancestry and Familial Bonds

After hearing about who the Ghost is Izuku began with his eyes widen with shock and screams out

"WHHAAAAAATTT!!!??!" screaming out the top of his lungs until

"GRANDSON WOULD YOU SHUT UP OF ONE SECOND AND LET ME CONTINUE!!!!!" The grandfather screams at him with anger to settle down.

Izuku follow what his grandfather said and "Let me give you the full story of the Ghost" as his grandfather said the story

"Many many years ago Tsushima was invaded by Mongol Invaders wanting to disturb the peace of Tsushima and Japan in the defense of Tsushima were 80 samurai from every samurai clan in the Island including our ancestor Jin Sakai when the samurai are doing their best to defeat them they all fell with all of the samurai dead and the khan kidnapped the daimyo Lord Shimura there was one samurai who survived the massacre"

the grandfather telling the story to his grandson and his grandson responded

"Is it Jin" he answered

"Yes my grandson It was Jin who survived the massacre he tried to save lord shimura his Uncle and father figure from Kotun Khan he challanged him to a duel but he wasn't strong enough and fell down and nursed back to health by a thief name tomoe our ancestors wife"

Then the grandfather continued on of Jin's Journey from a fallen samurai to the Ghost his encounter and learning many techniques and getting weapons from other legends and creating many other weapons from kunai to bombs to kill his opponents and the many allies he made and many enemies he encounter and friends who turned traitors for the money and time he was condemned by his fellow samurai that his was of fighting is not like their and deemed him as a traitor to the code. After many years of fighting Japan was now in peace after the death of the khan many Mongols feared him even bandits and ronins feared him with the mere mention of his title. When he died he was buried In a cherry blossom tree near his hew home after his old home was taken while his personal items such as his katana and his many armors are stored away and was hidden by the people from the Red Cedar abbot monk knows where his weapons and armors are.

izuku was shocked about the full story from a samurai to a Ghost his ancestor save his people while others look at his ways are dishonourable and turned him into a villain in their own eyes for the people sees him as ahero while the samurai sees him as a traitor to their eyes after breaking some rules of the code. Izuku began to ponder as well as thinking about the ghost's techniques so fast that even his enemies can't catch him by surprise.

"Well...Izuku my grandson I know what happened about you and how your slightly injured from others looking down on you" he then looks at Inko

who is looking at the ground with shame and sadness

"Your mother told me everything about what happen with your life don't listen to those fools and be yourself my child" then he look at Izuku

then put his hand in his shoulders "Listen here whoever told you that your useless and worthless or something else remember life is not that easy and think of them as nothing but arrogant fools who feed their fragile ego and pretends to be strong and dominant to others. And remember our ancestor Jin didn't have an easy life when hes trying his best to defeat all of his enemies including the Khan and his henchmen. When you see that bakugo kid you either have two option my grandchild either you ignore him if he dosen't want to back down have courage and face him and say that "I've had enough" or the third if he wants to challenge you then never leave a challenge". He sighed for a moment

and put his other hand to Izuku's other shoulder and said. "Just remember grandson Jin when he was at your age he saw his own father Kazumasa Sakai died in front of him and when Lord Shimura raised him to be a true samurai Jin was determine to be like his father but when he struggled to be like his father he realize that his father gave him a path to follow not to follow his way and let him be himself" As he gave Izuku an advice

to follow and gave him a path to follow to let him carve his own path or the path of Jin Sakai but carve his own path of life. Then Izuku then began to think about his life when people look down at him also throwing him away because of it. Then Izuku looks at his grandfather with a determined look "Grandfather I know my path may have complications if I want to be either the next Ghost or a hero with the Ghost techiques and weapons he used to make his enemies fall"

Then he kneel down and bow down to his to his grandfather and asked

"Please grandfather I beg you to please help gain this so called power to not just to help other but to also maintain peace to not just Tsushima but for Japan and hero society" He asked with determination and with eagerness

no matter if he is going to either kill people or what until.

"Yes...but before we do anything..." His grandfather said in a calm and stern tone

then he said "please rest up for now you just arrived here from main land" his grand father said with a calm tone and a blank face

which made Izuku looking at his grandfather with an blank and shock expression and realize that him and his mother were a bit tired from traveling so Izuku follow what his grandfather said.

The next day Izuku instead of wearing the clothes he has in his bag he was given a black and white kendo uniform in the estates garden. Because he is now training swordsmanship from his grandfather while in the estate garden his grandfather siting in a seiza position at the edge of a cliff then Izuku walked closely to his grandfather

"Ah Izuku your here come join me" His grandfather asked and Izuku began to walk and sat right next to him look at the edge on the horizon

"You know Izuku when our ancestors are lost or losing their minds after killing for the first time" As Izuku is listening to his grandfather

about how jin overcome the pressure of killing for the first time

"As you see if you are trying to kill someone without you being shocked and be shaken from it maybe difficult but when the samurai before claim their first kill they meditate and clear their mind from what have happen and keep themselves straight" then his Grandfather stands up and moves his head and looks at him

"Before we train you swordsmanship you must control yourself from within meaning your mind and your heart must become one" He then leaves Izuku into the estates Then with Izuku still listening and looking at the horizon in his mind

'My mind and my body are imbalanced due to my trauma because of kacchan and his lackeys as well as people around me looking down one I must find inner peace with me just like Jin did if I want to be a hero with the Ghost's way of fighting and training I must become stronger to reach to the I know it maybe hard but If- no I can make it no mater what' Izuku thought as he reassured himself to become strong no matter the obstacles.

-To Be Continued-