Chapter 15: Values of honor and duty

As Izuku and Bakugo stare at each other Bakugo tried to intimidate Izuku but he can't for one he can't fear him anymore and two he can't see his eyes due to his helmet. But Izuku squint his eyes with a serious glare but due to the helmet Bakugo can't see his eyes due to his helmet he can still feel Izuku's aura.

As the villain team of Bakugo and Iida they entered the building Bakugo then look at Izuku who is planing with Uraraka he then growl a bit showing his teeth with anger. With Izuku and Uraraka they now read the floorplans of the building and planing a strategy and Izuku then began to speak up

"Alright heres the plan to save some time we have to split up as soon as Bakugo begin to attack me since his inflated ego and pried is too much" he explain while Uraraka asked him "So...why does Bakugo want to beat you up so badly do you two have a rivalry or something" she then asked Izuku about Bakugo's relation

"No...Bakugo was sourounded by people who praised him so much due to his quirk and thats it and made him this, he looks down others who he thinks their quirks are either useless or weak and thinks to himself he is the no.1". After saying that

Uraraka was a bit tense about how Midoriya looks down at Bakugo but she knew that he has a reason why.

Inside the building 5th floor from there Team Bakugo finished setting up the "bomb" then Iida started asking

"So Bakugo since you knew about Izuku since you knew each other so can you tell me about his quirk?" he ask

then Bakugo scowled at his own team mate

"I dont know! the only thing I remember hes quirkless until his time in Tsushima". He answers

then Iida with his eyebrow raised asking again

"quirkless? your confusing me Bakugo" when he tried to ask one more time

but was cut of by Bakugo's outburst "I DON'T KNOW HE USED TO BE WEAK UNTIL HE CHANGED AFTER HIS VACATION AT TSUSHIMA OK!!!" after that

Iida was kind of scared of Bakugo's behavior and didn't say a word then Bakugo told him

"You four eyes you stay here and guard the bomb I'll take care of those two" he said but eternally he thought

'Today I'm going to beat you up and put you back in your place you useless Deku and I'll make sure of it that it will stay like this!' after thinking

he smiles with an evil intent and as for Iida who is witnessing this. He thought

'I didn't expect Bakugo to be in that role of a villain this is training and if they want me to be villain then I will' he thought to himself.

Then All Might begins to shout at the mic for the students

"Your 20 minuets have past heroes you may enter the building!!!" After announcing

the students, Izuku then begins to use his tanto and use it to break the locks of the window and enter and Uraraka followed him. As they enter the building Izuku holding his Katana with his left hand while searching the corridors and stairs. Also blowing up

At the monitoring room everyone of class 1-A and All Might are watching the live footage of both teams. Then they look at both Izuku and Uraraka and many were impressed about Izuku's level of awareness with his left hand holding his katana and checked both ways.

"Damn...I didn't expect Midoriya to have this to be this good at it" The guy with blond hair with the lightning bolt hair named Kaminari was surprised about his awareness "Of course since its indoors you have to be cautious about your surroundings and where will villains begin to launch their sneak attack" All Might explained and everyone continued watching the monitors.

As for Bakugo on the other hand he blown up each door from every single room with his quirk to find Izuku in each area. His intention is to put him back to his place but everytime does so even other people back in his old school he beats them up or break some of their bones which made everyone terrified about Izuku's change. He still remembers the humiliation he gets beaten up by him until the Ghost in the news when he talks about how he is dissapointed in today's generation and society which made a toll of his pride and ego to shatter into pieces. Then Bakugo snaps back to reality and continue to find the heroes and regain his pride and to feed his fragile ego as for Izuku he setup to lure Bakugo and create a diversion for Uraraka to escape and find the bomb.

He then screams out "COME OUT AND FACE ME BAKUGO!!" to lure Bakugo

as soon as Bakugo heard Izuku he then blast himself to reach to him to the 3rd floor as soon as Bakugo sees Izuku with him wearing his intimidating armor Bakugo was hesitant at first but due to his anger he charges in to beat the hell out of him until Izuku thrown something as soon as Bakugo was close and Uraraka then chrarges through and that thing Izuku threw was a smoke bomb as it explodes on impact creating a smoke cloud making both Uraraka and Izuku including Bakugo engulf into the smoke.

In the monitoring room as Izuku shout out to Bakugo to face him a guy with spikey red hair name Kirishima said this

"Izuku is going to challenge Bakugo now thats manly!" he exclaimed with manliness

as soon as Bakugo was a bit close Izuku threw a smoke bomb engulfing the room with white smoke in the other side Uraraka emerged out of the smoke and ran to get the bomb. At the monitoring room

"Now that is clever to save time one must distract one of the villains and the other reaches to the bomb and deal with the other villain" The black haired with a unique pony tail named Momo Yaoyurozu explaining what Izuku was planning "That is correct young Yaoyurozu you have to find ways to defeat a villain also distracting them".

As Uraraka was running away Bakugo then clear the smoke with his quirk as soon as he cleared out the smoke he sees Izuku at the distance dawning the Sakai clan Armor looking at him with his intimidating aura he then break the seal of his katana and with his right hand unsheathing the Katana out of the saya and raising his katana above his head and his left hand slowly reaching to the katana and his footing in a fighting position while Bakugo scowling at him with his quirk creating sparks and mini explosions.

At the monitoring room the see the intense showdown many are either tensed up from the scene while some were worried that someone may get badly injured as for All Might he knew Izuku as the Ghost thanks to Nezu. He still remember those words in his mind when he killed All For One it was a desperate measure to keep everyone safe Izuku on the other hand used to be bullied for being quirkless but finds out his ancestry and wants to follow what his ancestors wants peace for their country. He thought to himself

'Young Midoriya may have somewhat of a brutal and inhumane way of dealing with villains but as I remember what he said about his ancestors dealing with a worst enemy, He maybe brutal some will think of him as a killer but there are some villains who deserve what they have done' after thinking everyone continued watching.

As both Izuku and Bakugo stared at each other Bakugo began to charge at him full force and started to build up some explosions. But Izuku then move to the left and slashed Bakugo side with a shallow cut and Bakugo was surprised about Izuku's counter he was holding back as much as he could to avoid killing himself. Izuku on the other hand with his katana ready hes is parrying Bakugo's attacks even evading his explosions and strikes him with his katana and even kicking him to stagger him while bakugo is barely keeping up Izuku's speed.

In the monitoring room everyone was in awe with Izuku evading and parrying Bakugo's attack as much as he can even All Might though

'He's good at parrying Bakugo's attack but what about his instincts and what would he do if he is going too far?' he thought.

As for his classmates everybody now wondering his "quirk" but in reality they don't realize that he's quirkless. Back in the battle Bakugo feeling that his arms are now shaking for overusing his quirk but for Izuku hes breathing a bit from all of Bakugo's attacks. But then Bakugo then hears a click from his gauntlets hand he smirks evily and he began to spoke up

"Hey Deku you know about how my quirk works right!" he shouts at Izuku which made him realize about what he is going to do

"You damn fool! you can't do that here you know what the consequence if you do that!" He screams out Bakugo. But Bakugo began to villain monologue

"My quirk made me sweat nitroglycerine like substance which is the source of my explosion with the heat of my hands creates explosions but if I build up my sweat I can make a bigger explosion with these gauntlets collecting my sweat I can make a bigger explosion" he explained

as Izuku uses the time to switch with his longbow and Izuku ready to draw his special arrow right at Bakugo. Then All Might screaming at the mic

"No stop it the both of you you might kill each other and Bakugo don't make me disqualify you from the spot" Bakugo was a bit hesitant at first but due to his ego he smiles with an evil intent saying

"I don't care as long as he doges he-" before he can complete his sentence

an arrow hit one of Bakugo's gauntlet and with a small explosion shattered the gauntlets into pieces which made Bakugo stagger and another arrow hit directly at Bakugo's other gauntel which exploded and shatters it into pieces Everyone was shocked about what happened to Bakugo's gauntlets until All Might hit the replay which they saw an arrow with small pouches wrapped around the shaft near the arrow head hit Bakugo's gaintlet and explodes and shattered his support gear then everyone look at the other monitor seeing Izuku with his longbow in hand. Everyone in the monitoring room was shocked even Bakugo was shocked about how good Izuku's aim with a bow

"How...How did you do that?" he asked

while he is in shocked but another arrow this time almost hitting Bakugo's head by scrapping his left cheek of his face making him bleed a bit. Bakugo was dumbfounded about Izuku's aim but due to his rage he then screams out


with a kunai right at his left foot making him scream in pain and Izuku charges and unsheathed his katana and hit him with the end part of the handle knocking him unconscious then Izuku grab his capture tape and procceds to capture Bakugo.

-To Be Continued-