Chapter 19: Nomu vs Ghost

Izuku stares at the nomu and the nomu is ready to pommel down Izuku to the ground which the nomu charges right at Izuku ready to pommel him. But the nomu felt a slight pain right at his knee cap that was a kunai right at him and Izuku using heavenly strike giving the nomu a deep slash wound right at his chest nomu screams in pain.

With Shigaraki and Kurogiri they were shock about why the Ghost is feared and Shigaraki scratching his neck voilently he complained

"What! thats Impossible he supposed to resist that he has shock absorbtion!" throwing some tantrums

Izuku heard it the thought to himself that this thing has more than one quirk. He then thinks about what to do about this thing he planned an Idea and Izuku kept on slashing the nomu while dodging at the same time to avoid getting hit and he threw a sticky bomb he made himself which explodes and the nomu screams more and more pain. Izuku was satisfied a bit but he still regenerates Shigaraki was laughing from this act and begins to mock

"You can't kill Nomu because he has super regeneration Ghost best you better die and return to your ancestors HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughing like a maniac

but Izuku had enough with his antics and he slashed more deep wounds for the nomu and thow another sticky bomb to him and threw a kunai so fast hitting Shigaraki's shoulder.

At the top of the stairs many of Class 1-A were amazed with Izuku's fast strikes and staggering the bird faced villain. But there are some who are worried about Aizawa and Izuku but Bakugo then began to go down the stairs

"I've had enough of this I'm going down you extras whatch and learn!" he exclaimed to them

about his plan and there are 2 more who joined in as well but some of them begam to try and stop them but they began to charge in to save both Izuku and Aizawa. As for the ones remaining they can only hope if Iida arrived to the campus and return to them with heroes but for now they have to stay away from the fighting.

As for the fight Izuku is getting tired from the slicing, dodging and throwing projectiles right at the nomu. And the nomu on the other hand is still had more energy but the nomu is getting sluggish everytime he attack from all the slicing and cutting as well as the bombs quarterizing its wounds. Until Izuku's classmates arrived and began attacking the nomu and Izuku was surprised about the arrival of his classmates Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki intervene the fight. While both Bakugo and Todoroki are fighting Kirishima took Aizawa and drag him away from the fighting. Until the nomu freed himself and is about to beat down Bakugo until Izuku pushes him away and took the blow which sends him to some trees breaking some of them and was knocked unconcious.

With The villains Shigaraki was laughing at the Ghost's sacrifice to save his classmate and was satisfied and he ordered Nomu to kill his classmates. As for Bakugo and Todoroki are now fighting the Nomu Bakugo then screams


and todoroki then uses his ice part of his quirk freezing the nomu but it still escapes but with frostbites and regenerating. Bakugo went all out and used everything on the Nomu more and more and trying to reach one of its quirks into a limit.

At the top of the stairs as the nomu Punched Izuku and sent him flying to some trees many were horrified about Izuku's demise and Uraraka was strucked hard. She was on her knees and was both horrified and in fear if Izuku died from that strike and she began crying from that incident. As for the classmates many were in fear some clenching there fists in anger some tried to comfort Uraraka and some were in tears from both fear and that horrifying sight.

With Izuku who is unconcious currently hearing Bakugo and Todoroku fighting the nomu having a hard time. Inside his mind he was walking around the void of his mind until he sees a figure a grown man wearing the identical armor as Izuku's. As Izuku when he gets closer around his he sees his past from the beginning and now and now he sees the man but its just black smoke. And the figure gesture his hand towards Izuku and at first he was hesitant but he remembers that the nomu will kill his classmates. And without any second thoughts he took his hand an a light glowed around them and they both dissapeared from Izuku's mindscape.

In the real world both Bakugo and Todoroki are now in there limits and tired then Shigaraki then began to spoke

"Is that all you can give I told you that this is nomu the Anti symbol of piece he will kill All Might but first we should lure him by killing all of you" He grin evily

but as soon as the nomu was about to his Bakugo and Todoroki. All of the sudden the nomu stopped and is close to hitting Bakugo both of them were bracing of the worst but something surprised them about the thing not hitting but they saw it shaking. and now both the students and villains felt something more threatening and causing them to release fear onto them. All of them are lookong around until they found the source is it was Izuku and now witnessing him getting himself back up sluggishly and grabing the katana next to him.

For the students many have sighed in relief but some were skeptical about him that made some students bracing for themselves. As for Uraraka she was somewhat happy that Izuku is ok but due to the aura he released she know something is wrong with Izuku. Then some were just watching the fighting unfold as Izuku then returns to fight once more.

With Izuku he was just walking slowly with his head down Both Bakugo and Todoroki were shock about Izuku getting back up but Bakugo was somewhat skeptical about Izuku. But Shigaraki was now angry that he was fine as soon as he tries to order the nomu he sees it stepping back once which made both of the villains shock about the nomu they can feel that aura that Izuku releases but Shigaraki has none of it and screams to nomu to kill him. The nomu followed and started charging until both of his hands were cut off with such speed the nomu kneeled down in pain until Izuku with one motion he beheaded the nomu while the head was in mid air he cut it once more splitting it in half. After that action he releases his aura causing anyone around him and those witnessing feel this heavy and fearful aura.

In Izuku's P.O.V its all black and white and he saw the nomu with its head cut off Izuku can't control himself and is questioning himself on whats going on until he saw the two main villains and some villains witnessing this were afraid. In his mind it has a surge to demand him to kill which he can't control it and in a trance he killed a villain in one second with a deep chest wound the villain fell while coughing out blood. To everyone's surprise he killed a villain just a blink of an eye and everyone can feel that fear coursing throught their body and thinking about getting out of Izuku's way and with that Izuku is now a nightmare for not just villains but to those who wanted to be heroes just for personal agenda.

-To Be Continue-