Chapter 23: Sports Festival: Obstacle Race

After the wheel stopped and showing the first event the obstacle course race. Midnight then began to explain

"I this first event the 1st years must go through an obstacle course race around the stadium and the first 48 people reaching the finish line will be the qualified to take the 2nd event of the sports festival" She said while cracking her whip.

And the students position themselves in front of the hallway leading to the race as the starting line and Izuku on the other hand is observing the location then he realized the first Obstacle is the narrow hallway so Izuku planned to use the students shoulders and optional their heads as bouncing platforms. After planning this he position himself to be ready then they hear the horns blair and the race starts and Izuku starts to walk first then picked up his pace.

At the announcer booth both Present mic and Aizawa is now observing then Present mic while commentating he then asked his friend

"Alright then Mr. Aizawa what should the students be aware of?" he asked then he responded "The door" he answered

then students are now starting to struggle to get out of the narrow hallway everybody pushing each other elbowed each other to get out of there then Todoroki who as struggling to get out and then he used his ice quirk then narrow hallway is now full of ice and everyone is either stuck or slipping from the ice but then most of class 1-A using their quirks to escape but for Izuku who is running above the other 1st year students. Some were annoyed and angry because he's stepping their shoulders or their heads and escaped the narrow doorway and when he ran at the ice he then uses his bokken to act as a support to guide him while siding from the ice.

The audience were cheering and screaming for the 1st years to get through and mic who is complementing the 1st years to the audience and we see the grandparents and the mother of Izuku in the stadium where Inko is crying a waterfall and the audience near her were getting their socks and pants wet from her tears while both of her parents were calming her down and apologise the people around them. And with his grandfather seeing Izuku's clever thinking he was impressed about his level of improvement over the years and still follow his training as both the Ghost and samurai.

At the race we see Izuku running towards the 2nd Obstacle course. And behind him was Mineta using his sticky balls from his hair used as trampolines and tried to throw one as a trap for him but then he was hit by a metal object then sent back cart wheeling.

"Now we reach to the 2nd obstacle course the robo inferno!" Mic said

Then Izuku using both the dace of wrath destroying 3 robots but before he left he grab some metal shards to use for later and continue on completing the race and destroying some robots. Then he saw 3 zero pointer bots but slightly smaller than the one from the exam and he sees a mountain of ice hitting the robot then Izuku knows that it was Todoroki but he knew about the ice attack and the robot was actually barely balance so Izuku dashes away from the robot and thought

'Todoroki you maybe have the idea to froze that robot then that falling and block the track... But you are a fool Todoroki what if someone was under the robot and died' Thinking about Todoroki's actions

As some of the students try to reach the other side then they hear cracking of metal and ice then the robot began to shatter and fall on to the students many escaped but as the robot fell then a student said

"Oh no someone's under the robot!" in a horrified tone

But then they hear cracks and smashing of metal then Kirishima "I'M ALIVE!!!" yelling from he top of his lungs "Man someone has to be careful about this" he said

and his copycat TetsuTetsu screaming then said "Man that was close someone might gonna die from that"

Both were under the robot and broke free thanks to their quirk then Present Mic began to speak "Man That was close both of the students actually have similar functions of their quirks Ejiro Kirishima from class 1-A quirk hardening turns his skin into a impenetrable shield or a devastating weapon and TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu from class 1-B quirk steel can turn his skin into steel turns his skin into an impenetrable shield or a devistating weapon" he explained then Kirishima Crying manly tears complaining "Man our quirks are so similar that I can't even show off properly" he said then TetsuTetsu also complain "Hey! Stop copying me you bastard!" he said.

After the 1st Obstacle course Izuku and the rest of the students while Todoroki is in 1st as many followed behind then he stopped and many followed to see the 2nd obstacle course. Then mic began to announce about the 2nd obstacle course.

"And for the next obstacle course is...THE FALL!!!!" he said with a scream in the end

Then Todoroki using his ice with Bakugo flying using his explosion even mocking Izuku for not moving

"HA! take that you worthless piece of tra-" but was cut of by Izuku running on the ropes with ease

Then everyone was shocked about Izuku's skills of parkour and combat with swords he was proficient in those categories. but for Bakugo he was pissed about this he thinks he's a show off but in Izuku's mind is to finish the race within the top 40 students to get into the next trial. With Izuku running the ropes with ease everyone followed even support course used their gadgets to finish the race but for the rest some struggling to reach to the other side as for Iida is using his engine quirk to boost him but didn't look cool even mic commenting Iida its either cringe or weird.

At the booth where both Mic and Aizawa is then while Mic was commenting the students he then asked his friend about his class about their quirks and all which he explained every single one until

"Hey Eraser Head can you tell me about Izuku's quirk?" he asked And Aizawa AKA Eraser Head said that would shock not just japan but also the world itself "Izuku unlike any of the students he's quirkless" after that last word everyone was either shock and surprised even dumfounded and some complaining about it that quirkless people are useless until Aizawa bean speaking again cutting off many complains "Hey! unlike you useless idiots who are afraid of dying are some of you a hero complaining about a quirkless person who worked hard on achieveing the impossible maybe you should hang your cape and costume and find another career instead!" after saying that people who are complaining were scilent "Unlike Izuku he wanted to continue a life long legacy belonging to his ancestors he trained not just with swords also trained in many different categories. Hand-to-hand combat, Archery, Throwing, Parkour, but also the first quirkless hero and the first hero that can kill with no hesitation as for those people who lived in Tsushima the ghost had a descendant and you obviously know who that descendant is" Izuku's grandfather knew this would come and as for his daughter and wife well..."OH MY BABY IZUKUUUU!!!" she scream

with tears making a geiser and Izuku's grandmother comforting Inko and then the stadium is now raining with tears and flooding at the same time making small waterfalls from the stairs of the stadium and the spectators are either using their umbrellas and some complaining about it Kazuo with a blank face began to doubt about his decision to watch the sports festival at the stadium. As for te other spectators those who once you live in Tsushima now realize about the new young lord of the Sakai clan. and as for Izuku is now dashing towards his future and finish his race.

-To Be Continue-