Chapter 27: Confrontation of ideals and a questionable event

After the cavalry battle results shown to the students where Izuku took first place. Then followed by Todoroki's and etc. but before any sub events started Todoroki was sucumb to unconsciousnes after that powerful impact to the face. As for the audience many didn't want to mess with Izuku anymore after what he showed to them from his mastery of swordsmanship, throwing, intuition, and even, others that they didn't know but Izuku mastered them.

With that they all have a lunch break with Present Mic asking Aizawa to get some lunch together. Izuku walked to the cafeteria full of students and other people including staff eating lunch as Izuku ate his fish and rice meal. As many of the students didn't want to boast themselves about Izuku since he is the one beating Todoroki on the ground with his face got smashed right into Izuku's bokken. Before Izuku could leave the cafeteria Todoroki who have gained his consciousness with a bandaged face from the impact confronted Izuku.

"Hey... Midoriya can you come with me for a moment" requested by Shoto Todoroki "Alright then what is it?" said Midoriya who is somewhat annoyed.

UA stadium corridors

At the corridor where both Todoroki and Midoriya confronted each other from each side of the wall.

"When I got hit by your wooden katana I was about to get unconscious but thanks to my teammates keeping me up before I succumbed to unconsciousness I accidentally use my leftside" he said with a bit of anger in his voice "So what? What's wrong with it anyways" Izuku somewhat asking him about using his leftside "Do you remember quirk marriages?" he said as Izuku's eyebrow raised in interest "The marriage is similar to arrange marriages but for quirk where ones quirk has to find a specific quirk form a different spouse to make stronger children" he explained about quirk marriage "If I recall that act was now outlawed since it caused more marriage problems from two sides" he said until he somewhat realized about Todoroki's background "So your a quirk marriage child huh..."he said as Todoroki responded "Correct and my father Endeavour had used his power and money to buy of my mother's relatives to have her in which he made my life a living hell and my mom was traumatised from the abuse that my father have given her and when I tried to get close to her she said "My left side is unbearable to see" so she pour hot water on my left eye" he said while his left hand touched his scared left eye until "Your agenda and your path to hold back from that power is foolish to begin with" he said as Todoroki was taken it back "What would happen if a villain with a Ice quirk or a villain that can resist ice attacks is about to kill hostages or random civvies?" he asked as Todoroki was shocked from the comeback "since you can't use your left side since you have a grudge from your father so... Congratulations you have failed as a hero and killed everyone around you because you have to use half of your power" Todoroki was about to complain until "Todoroki, my ancestors uncle was honor-bound to the code of the samurai including many samurai and his father Jin realized about the flaws of the samurai code so he had tried bending those codes to keep his samurai beliefs the same but in the end when the samurai came back to Tsushima and see Jin he was about to be executed but the people needed him so he left to save his home. You are similar to the samurai who are honor-bounded so if you stick to your grudge to not use your leftside you will kill an entire family so don't hold back." he said making Shoto gritting his teeth slightly and clenching his left fist with a slight anger and Annoyance.

As Izuku is about to leave He knew that Bakugo was there "Katsuki Bakugo I know you are there remember what I said to you before" as Izuku left then Bakugo then shows himself in the shadows while he gritted his teeth with frustration for both Izuku and Todoroki.

As Izuku arrive to the field all of the sudden he looks at each side until he began to see his female classmates and he was blushing hard with his eyes widen. Because the girls are wearing cheerleader outfits with their faces full of blank faces and looking like they got fooled by someone until he sees Mineta and Kaminari thumbs upping each other and Izuku realized what happen as he approaches the girls he gave His jacket to Uraraka as she took it then asked Momo to make him a katana and his bow and arrows as she make them.

While Mineta and Kaminari are drooling from the girls wearing cheerleader outfits then an arrow landed right next to them. Then they feel a terrifying aura as their pervy faces turns to dread as the turn around shaking as they see Izuku with a katana and bow and arrows.

Then Kaminari asked Izuku "H-hey dude what do you nee-" but was cut off with Izuku release another arrow flying grazing Kaminari's face as he was terrified with Mineta both hugging each other. "You better explain yourselves about this.... , but first I should... PUNISH YOU TWO!!!!" he yelled to them as the both of them began to scream and running for their lives as arrows were raining down towards them.

Students who were playing the recreational games and some who are not then hear the commotion as two students running for their lives and being hailed by arrows by Izuku. While they are in a wild goose chase the girls gave Izuku a thumbs up for giving them a punishment.

With Izuku's family they see him chasing two boys and he looks at the girls who were wearing inapropreate outfits and realized what is going on as Kazuo Sakai massaging the bridge of his nose in disappointment towards the two boys. As both Izuku's grandmother and mother were proud to raise a good young man.

Then Present Mic began to commentate "What the Hell!? Why are Mineta and Kaminari running for their lives! Also why is Midoriya has a bow and a sword?" he asked as Aizawa answered "More than likely he's punishing those two for dressing up the girls. I somehow wanted to thank him for doing that" he said as Present Mic was slightly tensed from what he said.

As Izuku Run dry from his arrows he then unsheathed the katana Momo made as he was catching up to Mineta and Kaminari around the arena who were slightly tired from the running until Izuku pounced onto them and the crowd and students can hear their screams of pain even outside of the arena they can hear their screams of pain as the audience, students, Staff, Media personnel, and people who are watching feel and cringed from the pain as they felt bad for the two students.