7days : The Unexpected

Morning day is a thing that everyone is always awaited, but this is different from expectations. Afif suddenly fell sick. Don't know why the reason he was sick. Afif's sick known after Zahra wants to take something and his body was frozen like ice and he was shivering. Feeling worried and considering him her son too, she waking up him and was told to eat so that he could take medicine later. After that, Zahra immediately took him to the nearest hospital.

Farhan, who woke up and looked around him, seemed to be quiet, there was no one. He also realized that Afif was not in bed. His mother also went nowhere. Moments later, a bell rang indicating that someone was pressing the bell. Without further ado, he opened the door directly and it turned out that his father Afif had pressed the bell.

" ehhh, mr. Fatah. Ohayo. There is Something that i can help?"

"ohayo gazaimas Farhan-kun. I want to meet Afif. Where is he? He's feel better?"

" ohh i don't see he around here. Probably going out with mama. What do you mean about feel better? Sorry. I just wake up and i don't know what you talking about" feel confused

"your mom calling me because afif being sick one hour ago, That's why I rushed here to meet my son but you can see, he's not here"

"really? Is he sick? Why is that, even though it was 2 o'clock in the morning when I went to the toilet with him, he seemed that he was not sick"

"I don't know either. But where they are going?"

"they two possibly going to hospital i guess, do you know nearest hospital around here?"

"i know. It's Tokyo Centra Hospital Advance. Come on, Let's join uncle to go there"


In a hurry, they ran away and got into the car. Fatah drove the car quite fast and Farhan was also a little scared. 10 minutes passed, they arrived at the hospital. Then Fatah quickly went to the reception to ask if there was a patient named Afif and they got it. The receptionist informed that Afif was in room 150 on the 4th floor. They then rushed there. After checking the number and number on the door of the room, they finally found Room number 150 that affif stayed. Then they go inside,

"papa....." Afif yelling

"oh afif. What's happen to you?" With eyes full of sadness

"i don't know papa. I feel like i don't feel anything about it. I mean im healthy, im not sick so you don't have to be worry"

Tok. Tok. Tok. There was a doctor who came in and wanted to say something to them. Fatah and Zahra went to the doctor's room to find out the lab results.

Because seeing the infused afif, farhan felt like He also felt sick somewhat. Because he didn't know what to do, especially since this was the first time Farhan had seen a sick person in front of himself. Out of fear but also pity. Bravely he tries to fight his fear and approaches Afif,

"what happen to you, afif? How you can sick?"

"i don't know, i feel just cold but i feel like im not sick"

"but, You are infused? Please tell me. Im your friend oke so if you need my help. I'll help you whatever it happens"

"thankyou Farhan, im so thankful because i met you. Im so glad you come here to visiting me"

"(blush) ahh come on"

Then the two of them burst into laughter. They were laughing happily but suddenly the doctor, fatah and zahra came into the room causing them to become silent again.

" hey child, you right now can back home. Even so, you still have to be treated okay, at least one day and you also have to take this medicine, take it before eating, okay. doctor hopes that you will recover quickly"

"thankyou doctor"

Because he was allowed to go home, Fatah then went to the receptionist to pay for the treatment. After that they back to the hotel.

Farhan felt strange because it seemed that something was wrong with Afif. Because he was too curious, he then asked what the doctor said to them in the doctor's room earlier.

"hey ma, what the doctor said earlier? I mean isn't weird because Afif just got an infusion?"

"nothing an important. He's just tired because probably yesterday we had many activities right? Do you remember that?"

"ooo that's is. So, can i help him? I mean, mom and mr. Fatah should going to work, right? I can handle that. Im promise" within smile face appeared

"if you say so"

"arigatou, I will take care of afif wholeheartedly"

"thanks farhan for your attention"

Then they came to the front of hotel. They then carried Afif and Farhan to the room, because Afif looked healthy, Zahra and Fatah handed everything to Farhan even though he was 8 years old, but Farhan was a quick response.

When it was 10 o'clock, he remember that he hadn't eaten because he had to go to the hospital. He then went to where his mother kept food and it's helped him. in his mother's bag, there was cereal and milk. He then preparing material like hot water, cereal, milk powder, messes( choco sprinkles ), and pieces of strawberries that he's mother buy to make Milk Cereal for himself and Afif. After finishing the preparation, he brought the dish to the front of the TV and call out Afif to eat cereal.

Because Afif's hands were very limp, Farhan tried to feed him. He feeds like feeding a baby. Farhan is happy see Afif enjoy the food he makes.

Not long after, Afif fell asleep on the sofa in front of the TV. Because seeing afif asleep, he Picked up the quilt and enveloped it to Afif's body.

Because he saw that Afif was sleeping and didn't want to disturb him, Farhan go out and he remember the person he met on the top floor. He then went there to meet his friend, but unfortunately she had left the hotel and she had back to her hometown. Since she wasn't there, he then wanted to go to the library again. But before that he had to check Afif and after checking it turned out he was still sleeping.

Then he went to the library. But after arriving, it turned out that the library was closed and open in 4 days later. That made Farhan disappointed. Because the library was closed and Viki wasn't there, he then want to back to his room. But just a few steps he bumped into a boy the same age as him. He held like a card but the writing was very strange, like ancient writing.

Feel courious, Farhan followed him. He followed that person all the way to the 20th floor. Farhan follow with carefully so as not to be noticed by him but at the turn he suddenly disappeared. Farhan was very shocking away at that time. It was truly the strangest moment he ever had. Right now, He is in the bathroom that is where he disappeared as if swallowed up by a white light. It was very visible that the bathroom had no people even though the hotel was quite busy. But out of the blue.....