History discovery of time hole ( Bonus Chapter )

What is a time hole? Where did the object come from? Is it useful for human needs in the future?

This is the history of the discovery of time holes that change the world.

In 2164, humans found a truly invention to change human life, the name was a Time Hole. This is the actual discovery not based on a change but because it is just a coincidence. He is Professor Alwi. Alwi who is a professor makes a flying vehicle technology, called Device's. Device's word was taken from the Shooting Star name he saw when he was a child, the Shooting Star devic-ES5678.

When Alwi made that machine, he turned out wrong in connecting the connector in the machine. The connector that should be connected with the BV line, but the connector is instead it is inserted into the BC line.

°BV (Board of Value) is the line used so that the Device's can fly like an airplane, but the flight is only in place and constant.

°Meanwhile, BC (Board of Cabulatorie) is the line used to move Device's quickly. For example, going from Tokyo to Jakarta only takes 10 minutes because it passes through space.

So what should be used for the flying line is instead used for the leaving line and vice versa. Because of this, when the engine is turned on, there is an explosion in space and time due to a clash in the engine. And after the big explosion occurred, a time hole was formed due to the shift in space and time.

The news of the explosion from that Device's that appeared in News World really went viral at that time. And make a change the State ( Country ) of the world completely. Such as changes in the country, as the assumption of mass murder weapons, etc. That Explosion is happened in the Jeju region( At that time South Korea had entered into become Province of Japan, while North Korea entered to become a province of China ), Nagoya Province in the country of SVARCISA (Japan's name in that year).

Besides SVARSICA (Japan's ), the world is divided by several Goverment. In 2169, Several unification countries like XIAN-RUSSO (Kingdom Country of China and Russia), CANAMERICIA (Republic of USA and Canada), LATIOSI (Kingdom country of Latin countries in America), EUROPISVA (European united country), AUSA-INDOSVA ( Republic of Southeast Asian countries and Australia region), INDUSVA ( Republic of South Asian countries and Central Asia), ISRA-ARASVA (the Emirates of Arab state of the Penisula and Israel), EGYPSVA (the unitary state of North Africa), and AFRIKSVA (the unitary state of Central and South Africa). But not everything went smoothly. There are countries that change or do not change at all or are also united.

° The country's establishment was due to the 3rd World War in 2165 - 2168, and the war made the unification of the state and changes in the international system. This war happen because many countries assume, Especially the USA that Europe made mass murder weapons on Jeju region, Nagoya Province.

° This war occurs because the United States attacks European countries such as Italy, France, UK, Spain and Poland. USA assume that European state hid a terrible weapon in Nagoya( Europe is a union that funds almost 80% of Device's manufacture ). At that time, the alliance had changed completely. USA, China, Brazil, Russia, Cuba and India are coalition to destroy European coalition to fight for that.

° Because it is threatened, European countries also make a coalition called European. Even so, many of which joined this coalition besides European countries such as Arabian Bay countries, Australia, American Latin countries such as Mexico, guatemala, argentina, etc.

° While Neutral Countries, supported by the United Nations to help residents affected by the war. The United Nations gave money just to a neutral country so they could relieve war and help victims of war to help them go to the refugee camps provided.

*Neutral Countries in Europe is Greece, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany and Nordic countries. They helping in European region.

*Neutral Countries in Asia is Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philipines, Myanmar, Laos, Brunai, Japan, Armenia , Mongolia and Central Asia Countries.

*Neutral Countries in America is Bolivia, Venezuela, Chili, Canada, Peru, and Suriname.

*Neutral Countries in Australia Region is New Zealand.

*Neutral Countries in Africa is Egypt, Morroco, and Ethiopia.

After the war, the UNITED NATIONS was truly fed up with the behavior of the country which was only ambitious to fight. Because of the dissatisfaction with the government, the UNITED NATIONS made a coalition called the WORLD GOVERNMENT.

The WORLD GOVERNMENT is made by the UNITED NATIONS in 2168 which is used to create peace and stopping the War. Because it was fed up, the UNITED NATIONS took intelligent people such as professors and doctors in large countries first like from USA, China, Europe Countries and others. After taking session, the United Nations made a coup in all countries in the world. They made a coup by renting international spies and professional paid killers to kill all state leaders such as presidents, kings etc. Neutral countries are excluded for this matter, even so they still ask permission to the neutral state to Renew International Law and Border. Presidents and the Kings of Neutral countries agreed on any UN decision for International peace. After agreeing, they were taken to the hiding place for the United Nations Office in Nagoya, Japan.

In 2168 was a gap. Because at this time there was No Lead International Country / NLIC. So, the UN plan to make a new country will occur soon. Because of this, the war ended because there was no orders from the Kings or the Presidents to the military of each country. After a Temporary Silence Moments, the UN leader asked the neutral state leader to help the UNITED NATIONS in the election of which countries would be combined. Because of this, they made a secret meeting in Japan. the meeting held for 6 hours. Although takes many hours, the meeting paid off.

After the establishment of the country, all countries in the world only hold a rule made by the WORLD GOVERNMENT. The UN made this rule so that the creation of a peaceful country without limitations. The leader chosen to lead the new world is a leader who comes from a neutral country. They were assigned by the World Government to rebuild cities and buildings that have been damaged and restore the country's inflation economy.

° Rules created by the WORLD GOVERNMENT as follows:

1. In this New World, every new birth, the main language that must be taught is English. This regulation is determined so that everyone in the new world has a contribution that supports the progress of civilization.

2. Every Country or State, is not allowed to have Military Forces / Army. Military Forces are only owned by the World Government. Even so, Everyone from any country can register as a member of the World Military( International Army ) . They were assigned to maintain peace in every country.

3. Currency that can be used for international transactions is Moniest currency (M$). Other than M$, it is prohibited.

4. The election of the World Government leader is assisted by the United Nations. Every country has the right to nominate each of their countries, and citizens have the right to vote without any coercion from anyone.

5. Election of the Kings or Presidents of each sovereign Country was selected for selection and negotiations from the United Nations with World Government.

6. Those who damage, fight and try to disturb the world's peace will be punished as heavy as possible. As well as those who try to impose the actual Government will be included in the bleaching Camp and put into the International Army( IA ).

7. For taxes, the Community ( Citizens ) is required to pay taxes of around 25% of their income to the country they live. As for every country, they have to pay a tax of around 30% of the revenue of the State to be paid to the World Government.

- About 30% of taxes are used for the development of science and technology.

- About 25% of taxes are used for Humanity and Social.

- About 20% of taxes are used for Improving Electrical Energy

- About 15% of taxes are used for Health and Sanity.

- Remaining available state tax is stored in UN for urgent purposes, such as warfare, mass starvation or like Covid-19 Virus tragedy in 2020.

After a state problem is complete, the World Government forms an institution called the INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE. This institution is used for research and improving renewable technology. All professors and doctors in the world are called to examine what causes the explosion and why it appears like a hole. At that time they didn't know what hole was it . The hole was only known a year later after further research, in 2170.

After the year, technology is increasingly flashy and develops quickly. Many are made by humans, such as flying disks (UFO), cross-time cars, modern aircraft, flying mills (the windmits attached to the head and can make people fly), the Magic Door and there are many more technologies they made.

In 2172, scientists would explore the hole. It was the first time the Time hole was entered by people. Scientists have made technology that can deliver them into ancient times, namely Time Hole Device. They will deliver Flying Disk (UFO) to 70,000 years ago.

It is a fairly dangerous project because they don't know what's inside of Time hole is. No one dared to get into there. However, there was one scientist who volunteered to participate and helped the project to occur, he was named Professor Afri Dwi Rahman. That was really surprising because Afri was a scientist known as cowardly or timid. It confuses all Scientists there.

Afri, he originated from the country from the Arabian Bay, Lebanon. He went to Nagoya because he was ordered by the World Government to participate in the research of Time hole.

After training 2 weeks, Afri was sent to 70,000 years ago. He went alone at that time. When he entered, he was actually scared, but because this project caught his attention, he let go of his fear.

There he seemed to live as usual, because he was just waiting. After 2 days passing, he had arrived at his destination. After open the Time Hole Device's door, he was truly shocked because everything he saw was a forest. Natural scenery before humans conquered the earth. He then reported that he saw the world in the past. Scientists who saw it because it was connected really didn't believe that it was a real time hole.

After that, he moving the Flying Disk (UFO) to the place to the forest. Moreover there is no human seen. After the work was finished, he going back to 2172.

After arriving, it turned out that the scientists celebrated the success obtained. Because the trial has been completed, their children will be sent there, to Flying Disk (UFO) for learning. In addition, the World Government also make an institution called Time Police(TP). Time Police or TP is used to keep cross-time areas so that criminals do not damage the history that has passed. They make a bracelet, which must be used so that they get permission. The bracelet was named TP bracelet. In the bracelet there is a text of the Time Police licensing. If there is someone who enters Time hole without wearing the bracelet, they will be sanctioned. Whereas if they are destroying historical there, they must restore history as before. If not, they will be punished mercilessly, as they are not allowed to live but they should not die. Truly cruel punishment.

The World Government adds applicable rules. This rule was enacted because of the publication of Time Hole in 2175. This is the 8th rule they make. The rules are written,

8. Only the scientist and government are allowed to use and enter the Time hole. In addition to those mentioned, they (Citizens) who want to enter the time hole whether for vacation, interests, etc must submit a permit to the Time Police first to get TP bracelet and allowed by TP to enter the time hole.

Notes : People who got a TP bracelet must pay around 100m$ ( 350$ ) every month. The Company is used for international purposes such as improving Technology, Electrical System Improvement, and many more. The use of money in the shopping of the World Government is carried out by transparency so that there is no norporation or corruption of money by any chance.

That's the history of the time hole found. Really changed the world civilization so far....