Sunrise on September : Jinsei o tsuranuku yume 4 ( 人生を貫く夢 四)

The morning begins, this is Farhan's 3rd day of school this September. Time is something that should not be wasted, it is his life motto. At five o'clock, he wanted to jog around his housing complex. He has always wanted to have a six-pack and healthy body, of course, that's why every weekday he always jogs, jogging is also one of his hobbies besides reading comics. After jogging around the housing complex, he went to take a shower. Because every exercise he always sweats excessively, so he doesn't want his body odor to stick. After taking a shower, he went to the dining room for breakfast. Because his mother has been accepted to work in a Meerin company that operates in the health sector, So Farhan only ate the cereal that his mother had prepared. Zahra left home this morning for a work trial. This trial was conducted for 3 days from 4 am to 9 pm. Farhan hopes his mother can be accepted into the trial work.

After eating cereal, he then went to the room to tidy up and bring books that would be studied at school later. Because there was a discussion about the formation of the group later, he brought his mobile phone that his mother bought a few days ago. It might be useful for notes or the like. The preparations were complete, he went out of the house and did not forget to lock the room as well as the door and door and also the window as well. He had to be careful because his neighbor had stolen his gold, so Farhan felt he had to be extra careful. After everything was done, he stepped into the place where his school was.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at school. He then entered his class, grades 1-5. In his class there are several class categories. The superior classes are grades 1-4 and grades 1-5. It was a selected class for meticulous and intelligent people. In that class, tuition fees were cut by almost 50%. Those in selected classes are also selected when there are village-level, city-level, prefecture-level, and national-level competitions. It can even reach the international level if they can beat the prefecture level, it is really classy grades 1-5 and grades 1-4. The same is true for the classes above, such as 2-5, 3-5, 4-5 and so on.

* Explanation : In the class level of the front number _1-5_ 'one' is a number that indicates the class. There are 12 classes available. 1 - 5 are for elementary school level. 6 - 9 for junior high school level. And 10 - 12 for senior high school level. While the number in behind/back _1-5_ 'five' is used for the level of intelligence or talent of a person, whether it is talent in Math-Science, Languages, Sports, etc there is a competition. There are 5 levels ; 1 'first' [ for ordinary people who do not have any talent / are not interested in talents in list ]. 2 'second' ( for people who like to socialize because this class is a class where the implementation is socialized either to the community/Citizens. So in this class there is no such thing as doing assignments or homework but they immediately practice what is in the book And write it in the book what they learn (learn directly from the source) ]. 3 'third' [ The class here is a class for art lovers. Although here is the same as other classes, there are more art lessons. Sometimes in this class there is also an art competition and this class is definitely chosen to take part in the competition ]. 4 & 5 'fourth & fifth' [ as mentioned earlier, this class is a superior class where many talented people are in this class ] *

He then walked into the classroom. There he looked for Salma but somehow Salma did not come. He then asked Rofique how Salma was doing, but he didn't know. He also asked Wahid and he didn't know about Salma either. He thought maybe he asked her friend or miss Eurnea for permission. He then asks Citra, her close friend at school and she absolutely knows about Salma's situation. Citra said that yesterday, Salma had a nightmare and she was a little scared so she didn't come and get permission for one day. When he heard the remark, Farhan became anxious and wished her well. Farhan thanked Citra for the information. Then Farhan was about to step away from Citra and suddenly Citra calling Farhan. He didn't know why he was called. Farhan then asked what was Citra? She then explained that Salma would still go to her usual place to discuss yesterday's discussions, she said. Hearing this, Farhan was relieved. Suddenly the teacher came in and announced that today was the day is Sports practice. Even so, this is a practical beginner. The practice begins at the age of 8 years and immerdiate will be done at the age of 13 years. This year is the age that is the most trained hard in order to become a professional. And at the age of 16-18 years is the most stressful year because at that age is the fiercest age for competition to be the person selected to represent Japan in the international competition.

Everyone is preparing including Farhan, Rofique, Wahid, Citra, and his friends will do beginner practical sports. Grades 1-5 were 25 students and 2 absentees so there were 23 people who participated in the practice. They were divided into 5 groups, Farhan into group 3.

This is the name of the group squad and the members:

Group 1 : Skyria Evenlope

*Fina ( As group leader )





Group 2 : Sportamia

*Wahid ( as group leader )





Group 3 : Utopia Skyland

*Farhan ( as group leader )





Group 4 : Zero Mountains

*Ferdy ( as group leader )





Group 5 : Xyclo Tropica

*Wafique ( as group leader )





This group is the beginning and stays until the 12th grade later. So this group will not change until they graduate. Maybe it's just changing members and adding members.

After the division of the group, they all went to the school field. First of all, they were told by the PE teacher, mister Syahrul to warm up in advance. He is a prefecture-level teacher So what he trains must be really in the best. Warming up is trained so that the muscle muscles do not cramp. This is the most important point before doing sports.

After warming up, they were then told to run around the field 4 times with the length of the circle about 850 m. Everything that was there at the protest therefore had to be too long. However, Farhan was the one who first ran without hesitation. Group 3 also followed behind him because it was the leader. Seeing that, all the groups finally shut up and started running. Seeing its potential, mr. Shahrul was amazed at Farhan. Without further ado, and without bargaining to shorten the running distance, he just ran and run as far as possible. What a superior and talented person, mr. Syahrul thought.

After 20 minutes of running, Farhan was finally the first person who had circled the field 4 times. Followed by Zidan in the 23rd minute and Ryan in the 27th minute. And the last one is Merliana in the 79th minute. After finishing running, they were told to rest for 30 minutes. It is stated that if they do not come to the field again or are late for even 1 second, they will be punished to stand in front of the flagpole until school time (12:00). Because of fear, everyone is fast whether it's going to the cafeteria to eat, to class to get their provisions or resting for a while in a class that has air conditioning. But it's different from farhan. He just sat on a bench in the tree of the field while looking at the blue sky. Because he felt strange, mr. Syahrul approached him. He asked about provisions or pocket money, maybe Farhan didn't have any. Farhan told him he brought it but he didn't feel like eating. Although it has been explained, mr. Shahrul went to the canteen near the tree swing to buy farhan bread. He doesn't want Farhan to be weak or tired while doing sports. After buying, He then gave it to Farhan. Farhan had refused, but mr. Shahrul forced him to eat the bread. Because of compulsion, he finally obeyed his teacher's request and ate the bread. He also bought apple juice for drink.

Farhan eat that bread with seeing a sky. Confused, mr. Syahrul asked why he kept looking at the sky. What's wrong with the sky? Farhan replied that if he saw the sky, he somehow felt calm and peaceful. Hearing that reason made mr. Syahrul wanted to see the sky too. After 3 minutes of viewing, indeed it made him peaceful. It's a simple thing but it means a lot.

30 minutes passing away, they are already on the field. This is the 2nd lesson about sports. They were told to practice push ups for 20 minutes. After that, they will do push ups for 3 minutes and it counts the number of times they do push ups. After the notice, they all practiced push-ups except Farhan. He even sat looking at the sky, it was strange even to the point of being gossiped by his friend behind. They all practice to be able to push up in 3 minutes. They practice with confidence. 20 minutes passed, finally it's push up counting time. The first person to push-up was Ryan, with a result of 29 times. Followed by Merliana who only got 14 times. However, there is no denying that the person who got the highest points was Farhan with 48 results and was followed by Zidan and Shellyn with 39 and 37 times results, while the lowest points were still led by Merliana. Everything including mr. Shahrul was astonished by the strength of Farhan's body, completely beyond reason. Really did not expect an 8-year-old body like a person aged 14-16 years.

Finally the PE lesson is over and the break time has come even though the 2nd break is only 15 minutes. After that they have to take a 15-minute math lesson and go home from school.

The clock showing 11:00, they all rested again. In this break, Farhan went to class to sleep. But because it was so noisy there, he went to the library to sleep because it was quieter there. The library is the quietest place there. Even those who visit the library are only 10-20 people per day, even though there are hundreds more students in the school. They prefer to develop talents such as playing ball, badminton, developing art, or practicing doing Math-Science problems Instead of reading books. People who read books are usually from level 1 grades( 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1 so on ).

There, Farhan fell asleep for a long time. The school bell will ring in 2 minutes. Seeing Farhan asleep, someone from grades 1-1 who was reading a book woke Farhan up. Farhan, who was sound asleep, woke up because that person pushed Farhan's body thrust. He then told Farhan that class was almost starting. If they are one second late, they will be punished. Hearing this, Farhan and that person ran fast so as not to miss a second. Farhan finally arrived at his class and 5 seconds later the bell rang. What a lucky.

The lesson starts, this hour is the Math schedule. They were told to do simple algebra. There everything is really difficult, even many have not been able to multiplication. Even so, mrs. Farah will not judge the wrong. Because it is only 30 minutes, he wants his protégé to be a smart person and think rationally. That's the way mrs. Farah educates his protégés. The time given to answer light algebra is only 15 minutes. if the time is up, they are not allowed to count or cross out the answer sheet paper. If committed, it is considered a violation and punished in accordance with the rules made by mrs. Farah. She is one of the most feared killer teachers at Urayama's school( Downtown School for elementary ).

Downtown School It is a school that is a unity school in the Takoaka, Toyama prefecture. The elementary school is called Urayama's school ( 浦山小学校 / Urayama shōgakkō / Urayama Elementary School ). It is so named because the school is located next to Urayama Hill. For junior high school, it is called Kurobe School ( 黒部中学校 / Kurobe chūgakkō / Kurobe Junior High School ). It is so named because the school is located next to the Kurobe River. And for a high school named Central Karasuno School ( 烏野高校 / Karasuno kōkō / Karasuno High School ). Do not know the origin of why it is called karasuno, but according to legend that this school was built on the village of crows killed by humans. Although this is just folklore, in this village there are many skeletons like crows.

After the time for doing the questions is over, they have to stop and put the worksheet. It's time mrs. Farah checks the results of her students' work. 10 minutes is the time for that check. All hope that the answer is correct or close to correct. They hope but that too if results can be expected. But suddenly...