A life after World War III : Republic of Indo-Persian

In 2169, There was a renewal of the country by the WG (world government) to stem the endless war. Therefore, the World Government destroyed almost all major countries in the world, including South Asia & middle East.

The history of this country is very complicated. Because the formation was very severe and took many lives.

The country was first introduced under the name INDUSVA, EGYPSVA& ISRA-ARASVA. It turns out that these three countries were joined by the UN because of the martial law carried out by the state of Iran. The Iranian president threatened to undermine the UN plan and was known to the spy of the UN, Mr. Rifal. He is an eye-catcher( spy) who observes the movements of the president of Iran and he leaks everything to the UN COMMITTEE. Because of this, the 3 countries were replaced into one unit, namely the EMPIRE OF WEST ASIA. The government established this state and was registered at the United Nations on December 4, 2168 where many countries died (the absence of a state leader) even though it was just propaganda.

At the time of the inauguration on January 3, The Iranian president attacking with missiles and destroyed the event. Angry, WG sent a military force called WG COMMITTEE PEACE MILITARY or WG-CPM. WG-CPM is the highest level of military in the world, higher than the IA (International Army) and the Country Army/CA.

The mission began on January 9, 2169, and there all the best military was sent for world peace. Rifal, as an eye, are also always updated where the king is hiding or where the leader is.

The operation was completed 10 days after the death of the Islamic State leader of Iran. This is the end of the state of Iran and the growth of a new state.

However, not all went well, the rest of the Iranian leader's army continued to operate and kidnap men and children to be enslaved or as troops to restore Iranian Islamic rule. In addition, women are also taken hostage, and forcibly sexually abused by soldiers in order to be born as potential successors to Iran's defense of power. This caused fear among the people there. Therefore, Rifal took over the leadership there and volunteered to save the residents there. They (Iranians) were transferred to Pakistani territory for temporary shelter.

This is getting bigger, and February 5 is the day when Iran's economy plummets, people go crazy (take people's property, break property or Kill peope). Because of this, the UN asked for help from other countries to provide assistance, and other things that were needed. WG-CPM It was also reassigned to eradicate Iranian militant forces.

On the other hand, the same thing happened in Afghanistan when its leader was killed. These 2 countries really collapsed instantly.

Two months later, things got better as Rifal took control of Iran and Afghanistan. He named this region ISLAM FREEDOM COUNTRY. He chose this temporary name so that the community can calm down and can worship comfortably without any disturbances.

In May, the concept of the state has begun to mature, there are already 4 countries that have joined, namely Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan under the name of Islamic freedom country. After this, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, & Yaman Join. Because Arab countries join (except Lebanon, cause them really hate if they called Arabian, they prefer Lebanese). The name of the country was changed to the Arab Islamic Republic.

Their calm lasted less than 1 month, on June 4, the State of Israel, Lebanon, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka were joined by the UN COMMITTEE. UN-C Changed the name of the country to the Indo-Persian Republic. This is a rejection for the countries that join for several reasons :

1. There's Israel Country and Arab/Islam really hate

2. Pakistani hates India because their religion ( even tho they have same race, just different religion )

3. Indian Refuse because they really don't like Arab

4. Lebanese hates being Arab

5. Arab don't like the name of country, Persian. They hate Persia

And so on

Because of this hatred, they were finally forced by the UN-C and the state was inaugurated on 19 August 2169 under the name of the Republic of Indo-Persia.

For leaders who refuse, the law is death or no demotion.

The country is led by a president named Rifal Afrianto, a spy from the UN-C.

The country is divided into 3 regions, the Arab-Persian Region, the India Region, the Israel-Lebanon Region.

Each Region has a province like :

1. Arab-Persian Region has 6 Province,

- Khěmía Mésr Province (Egypt)

- Arabia Penisula Province( Saudi Arabia, Yaman, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait )

- Farsi Province ( Irak, Iran )

- Islamic Territory Province ( Afganistan, Pakistan )

- Samalì Arab Province( Jordan, Syria )

- Dubai Special City/ DSC( Dubai City, UEA )

2. India Region has 5 Province

- Bharat Aryan Province( North India )

- Srilanka-isles ( Srilanka )

- Bharat Tamil Province ( South India )

- Bharat Bangla Province ( Bangladesh )

- Bharat Mountains Province ( Bhutan & Nepal )

3. Israel-Lebanon has 3 Province

- Jerusalem Special City/JSC ( Israel )

- Lubnan Province ( Lebanon )

- Kana-an Province ( Israel )

The country is led by the President, Each Region is led by the Prime Minister , and the governor is leading the Province .

For city Specials, led by the Mayor.

The country is predominantly Hindu( atleast 75% of the population ), with the rest of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and local Arab religions.

This country was founded on the basis of secularity and religious freedom.

The country's laws use international law with slight differences in each region and province.

For example, in the Arab-Persian region the law is supplemented with Islamic law, as well as other regions or provinces have different laws (only for the management of religious bases such as marriages, religious holidays, etc.) the law only applies to people that had same religion.

In addition, such as taxes, criminal law, corruption, etc use international law.

They do not create their own laws because of differences in politics, religion, race, and perception of the law, so the only way is to use International Law (this country is the only country that uses International Law ).

For the national language, they use English. For the second language, each Region has a different language such as Hindi, Tamil, Arabic, Persian, Coptic Egyptian, Hebrew, Lebanese, Bangla etc

For the language of art, they use 2 languages, Chinese and Arabic. Even so, Chinese are more in demand because everyone uses it.