The power of the Metal Bone Construct. Destiny Points

Outside the city wall, the sky darkened as an ominous shroud of foreboding enveloped the landscape, heralding the approach of an unstoppable force.

The ground trembled beneath the weight of thousands of thundering hooves and the rhythmic pounding of monstrous footsteps.

A deafening cacophony echoed through the air, a symphony of growls, roars, and guttural cries that sent chills down the spines of those who dared to listen.

The horizon was dominated by a sea of twisted and contorted forms, a nightmarish assembly of beasts.

Towering above the tallest trees, massive creatures with scales as hard as stone lumbered forward, their eyes gleaming with a malevolent hunger.

Sinewy serpentine creatures slithered sinuously through the underbrush, their forked tongues flickering as they tasted the scent of their prey.

Feathered monstrosities soared overhead, blotting out the sun with their vast wingspans, casting an eerie shadow over the land.

Inside the city, a palpable tension settled like a heavy shroud over everywhere, suffusing every corner with a sense of impending doom.

The air grew thick and charged with anxious energy as if the very atmosphere held its breath in anticipation of the oncoming storm.

The usually bustling streets, once filled with the laughter of children and the chatter of vendors, now echoed with an eerie silence.

Windows and doors were hastily barricaded, their once inviting façades now transformed into fortifications against an invisible enemy.

The clattering of wood against wood, the hurried voices of panicked citizens, and the sharp clang of metal on stone resounded through the city, creating a dissonant symphony of fear and preparation.

Wide-eyed faces peered out from behind curtains, the glint of terror evident in their eyes as they exchanged anxious glances with their neighbors.

Mothers held their children close, their arms wrapped protectively around their little ones, their hearts pounding in tandem with the accelerated rhythm of the city.

Amidst the tense atmosphere of Cloudweaver City, a sudden shift in the air signaled a change on the horizon.

A collective gasp of awe and surprise swept through the city as a distant rumble grew steadily louder, heralding the arrival of a force that would alter the course of the impending battle.

Emerging from the labyrinthine streets, a battalion of Su Clan soldiers marched resolutely to the city's exit.

Clad in otherworldly and enigmatic metal armor, they presented an awe-inspiring sight that defied explanation.

The Metal Bone Construct, each piece intricately designed and flawlessly fitted, enveloped their forms like a second skin.

The armor gleamed under the light of the waning sun, its metallic surface reflecting an ethereal radiance that seemed to originate from another realm.

"By the heavens, that's the Su Clan soldiers!" a bystander exclaimed, his voice carrying a blend of incredulity and relief.

"What's that on their bodies?!" another voice cried out, breaking through the awe-struck hush that had settled over the spectators.

Gasps of wonder and curiosity rippled through the crowd as they strained to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic armor that adorned the battalion.

Leading the battalion was Su Ming. He had a proud smile on his face.

Previously, he didn't dare to believe some pieces of metal joined together could give them the needed victory over the beasts.

However, he quickly changed his mind when he tested the strength of the Metal Bone Construct.

'How did little brother create something like this?' He couldn't help but wonder inwardly.

Standing on the city wall, all the high members of the Su Clan looked at the battalion with the new Metal Bone Construct with renewed hope.

Looking at the troops, he was pleased and nodded at his brother slightly.

"Uncles, I want you to monitor the battle closely. We don't want some loose beast to rush toward the mortals," Su Yen said calmly.

"Don't worry. We know what to do," Elder Su Feng replied confidently.

On the city wall, everyone held their breath as they looked at the battalion marching toward the hordes of beasts.

Compared to the thousands of menacing beasts, the battalion looked like ants.

Worry and fear gripped the hearts of those watching the two sides from the distance.

The thousand-man battalion had little to no hope against the beasts, but this was their only hope of survival.

If the battalion could hold its ground against the beasts, then...

"Hold your ground!" Su Ming shouted as the battalion reached a couple of distances from the incoming beast tide.

The tense atmosphere was palpable, and all the soldiers held their long spears with fierce determination.

It's either them or the beasts.

"Hold! Hold!" Su Ming's voice resounded throughout the battlefield, filled with urgency.



The sides collided together, and various gruesome sounds reverberated throughout the sky.

Those watching from a distance saw blue light coming from the armor, increasing curiosity.

"What's that light?" a middle-aged man asked with curiosity and wonder.

"Target their weak spot," Su Ming roared, cutting tens of beasts with his sharp sword.

'Good. I love this Metal Bone Construct.'

As a Body Building realm stage 8 and with the combined power of the Metal Bone Construct, Su Ming was like a tiger with added wings.

Every swing of his sword harvested tens of beasts' lives.

The battle was fierce and deadly, but those watching the fight could see that the inherent disadvantage of humans against the beasts was long gone.

Moreover, the Metal Bone Construct gave them a huge advantage both in strength and speed.

Looking at the fight that was in their favor, everyone from the Su Clan turned their heads and looked at Su Yen with deep admiration in their eyes.

Noticing the various admirations on his body, Su Yen didn't have any change in his expression.

He continued to watch the battle with a tranquil mind.

"Elders, it's your turn," He commanded when he noticed the soldiers were getting to the limit they could use their construct.

"Leave the rest to us," Su Jie said and put on his Metal Bone Construct.

Su Jie and Su Feng looked at each other and jumped down from the tall city wall.

With the addition of two high-stage Body Building realm warriors, the beasts were at a disadvantage.

In the next hour, fear etched deep into the faces of the beasts as they tried to escape from the onslaught of the Su Clan.

"Hurray! Hurray!"

"Long Live the Su Sacred Clan!" The citizens shouted with joy.

Watching the Su Clan soldiers returning victorious against the beasts,

the citizens were excited, and filled with relief, shouting, and praying for the Su Clan.

With proud smiles on their faces, the soldiers waved victoriously to the citizens.

"Clan Master, we did it!" Su Jie shouted in joy as he raced toward Su Yen, not caring about his image.

No one believed the Su Clan could defeat the beasts. But with the arrival of Su Yen, everything changed.


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