Battle with the Desert Sand Men.

Su Yen and Huang Yin rode with fierce determination, their horses' powerful hooves pounding the earth as they thundered across the rugged terrain. 

The wind whipped through their hair and clothes, carrying the scent of uncertainty. 

Their steeds were like swift, untamed spirits, galloping at breathtaking speed toward the desolate, northern barren land.

Su Yen's eyes, filled with unwavering resolve, scanned the horizon ahead, searching for clues of the Desert Sand Men. 

His grip on the reins was firm, and his posture exuded confidence as he guided his horse through the challenging terrain. 

With each stride, they closed the distance to their destination.

Beside him, Huang Yin rode alongside with a vision of determination. 

Her eyes mirrored his resolve as she leaned forward in the saddle, her hands expertly controlling her spirited mount.