Spirit Comm upgrade... Attack From the Sea race.

After dealing with the Crimson Jade Pavilion, the barren land return to their usual routine.

Today something changed. They received a sudden notification. 

"To all Spirit Comms users, Spirit Comm is going to be upgraded in the next five minutes."

The sudden notification appeared in the minds of everyone using the Spirit Comms.

"What the hell is an upgrade?"

Everyone in the barren land was shocked and confused. How would the Celestial Heavenly Sect upgrade their Spirit Comms?

The three merchants were skeptical and scared. Would this upgrade be detrimental to their product? They all wondered.

Since they had signed the agreement with the Celestial Heavenly Sect, they needed to renew their plan every month if they wanted the Spirit Comms they manufactured to work. 

They tried to find a back door to it. 

However, everything was futile; moreover, they were sternly warned as they were easily caught by the sect.