Su Yen second mount

Left with no choice, the Mountain Sea Turtle completed the beast contract with Su Yen in tears.

It had lived for over a thousand years, slowly cultivating to reach its current realm.

It became a Grade 2 in the past decade and fought to have its own territory in the Southern Sea.

After winning the fight and securing its territory, it met Su Yen.

All its hard work over the past thousand years had gone down the drain in a single fight.

Though it couldn't call it a fight, rather a pummeling of its life.

Standing on its colossal back, Su Yen looked at the endless sea and sighed in admiration.

Comparing this world to his previous one, this world was ten times bigger than his previous world.

Just the barren land alone would almost take the size of his previous world.

Throwing unnecessary thoughts out of his mind, he looked at the Mountain Sea Turtle.