40,000 Death

Looking at the deadly sandstorm rushing from the distance, all the Celestial Heavenly Sect soldiers rushed out of the desert at their top speed.

Even though most were already exhausted, they managed to drag their bodies out of the desert on time.

The hundred-meter sandstorm was so intimidating that those at the boundary of the desert needed to retreat a couple of tens of meters to save themselves from the sand wind.

Su Ming, Biyu, and Su Bolin were shouting orders continuously, trying to get the army in order.

After a couple of minutes, the soldiers were in order while sitting on the ground, patting.

"Everyone, well done. The enemy has been defeated," Su Ming shouted excitedly.

'What! We've defeated the Desert Sand Men!' They screamed in their minds, with eyes shining in ecstasy.

Their low morale skyrocketed immediately. This was what they were fighting for.