Birth of the Computer Geniuses -- Revival of the Blood Whisperer

Inside the Celestial Heavenly Sect, Su Yen stood before a group of disciples, his ethereal and handsome face marked with a serious expression. 

He had recently established an academy dedicated to pushing the world into an information age. 

The students under his tutelage ranged from those with exceptional talents to more ordinary disciples.

Among this group, Ai and Aiguo stood out in a distinctive way. Ai, with her striking, almond-shaped eyes and an air of quiet determination, exuded an aura of intelligence and curiosity. 

Her midnight-black hair framed her face elegantly, contrasting with the paleness of her skin. 

Aiguo, by her side, bore a rugged handsomeness that concealed a sharp intellect beneath his rugged exterior. His intense gaze hinted at a mind always at work.

Su Yen delivered a lecture on the significance of intelligence gathering. Each disciple maintained a serious demeanor, hanging on his every word.