The return of the Blood Whisperer

An ordinary middle-aged man trudged through the rugged terrain of the Endless Mountain Range in the Western Barren Land, his face a blank canvas, devoid of any expression. 

His eyes appeared vacant, as if his thoughts were far removed from the physical world.

Each step he took led him deeper into the heart of this vast expanse of mountains. The landscape loomed above him, an endless sea of massive peaks that stretched into the horizon. 

These towering giants of stone and rock seemed to whisper secrets, their craggy faces weathered by eons of time.

As he journeyed on, the man finally came to a halt before one particular mountain. To the untrained eye, it appeared just like the others, imposing and majestic. 

However, this mountain concealed secrets beyond imagination.

With an almost eerie calm, he approached the mountain's surface. Its sheer rock face seemed impenetrable, but he knew better.