The Blood Whisperer Attack

In front of the Chou mansion, the hooded group, shrouded in darkness, advanced toward the mansion's guards with eerie swiftness. 

Their steps were as light as whispers on the wind, and an aura of malevolence hung heavily in the air. 

As they approached, their gleaming swords remained concealed beneath their dark, flowing robes.

In the blink of an eye, they struck with deadly precision. Their blades sliced through the night, cutting through the guards as if they were mere illusions. 

The defenders had no time to react or raise an alarm; the swift, silent execution was over before it even began.

Blood sprayed through the air, a grotesque dance of crimson against the backdrop of the moonlit night. The lifeless bodies of the guards crumpled to the ground, their eyes forever frozen in shock and disbelief. 

As the hooded figures infiltrated the Chou mansion, they continued their relentless onslaught, sparing nothing and no one in their path.