Arrival of the other clans from the main continent.

In the soft, early morning light, a lone wooden small boat glided silently across the tranquil waters. 

The boat itself was a testament to countless journeys and adventures, its weathered wood telling stories of time's passage.

Seated within the boat were ten ordinary-looking men, their faces and attire gently illuminated by the first rays of dawn. 

The delicate hues of morning painted the sky with subtle shades of pink and gold, casting a serene and promising glow on the scene.

Amidst the expanse of the open sea, the atmosphere bore the salty tang of adventure and the promise of uncertainty. The ocean stretched out in all directions, glistening under the sun's radiant touch. Seagulls circled overhead, their calls breaking the serenity of the horizon.

"What do you think is happening in the forgotten barren land?" inquired one of the elderly passengers aboard the small boat, his voice carried away by the gentle sea breeze.