Su Yen fight with the old man -- Grade-3 beast.

As the old man attempted to exit the core of the Dreadshade forest, a sudden gust of wind blew across his path, and a silhouette emerged: Su Yen.

The old man furrowed his brow, his gaze fixed on the unexpected appearance of Su Yen. His eyes narrowed, studying Su Yen with intensity.

"The power of faith is more concentrated around you than anywhere else," the old man muttered, his gaze turning razor-sharp, full of menace.

Su Yen regarded the seemingly ordinary old man with a hint of unease, sensing an impending threat. But he concealed his fear beneath a calm exterior.

"What is your intention for leaving the core region?" Su Yen inquired calmly, even as he realized that this old man was a grade-3 beast. Su Yen was about to discover just how powerful a grade-3 beast could be.