Su Yen appearance...

Up in the dark and somber sky, Su Yen stood serenely atop Blue Wing, his robe billowing gently in the breeze. 

He had arrived in the Western Barren Land a few hours earlier, but the system had prevented him from intervening, a decision that had filled him with frustration.


[The fortune of the people of the barren land is about to increase. Host, it is advised not to meddle in it.]

This was the information he had received from the system. Su Yen had tried to question the system, seeking answers about what was transpiring below, but the system remained silent, refusing to respond to his inquiries.

Left with no choice but to abide by the system's enigmatic warning, Su Yen clenched his teeth, gazing down from the skies as the Blood Whisperers continued their ruthless slaughter. 

Each person killed was a source of anguish for him, the waiting weighing heavily on his soul.