Elder Feng battle the Three Patriarch

Here's the corrected version of your story:

Elder Feng looked at the three people coming toward him and waved his hand. His long, wide saber appeared in his hand.

"I've heard the mainland thinks they are superior to us. But I'd like to find out," he muttered, his voice dripping with scorn.

"Die!" Patriarch Chen couldn't contain the fury in his heart and attacked with a deadly palm attack.

The deadly palm attack traveled at a breathtaking speed, appearing over Elder Feng in a blink, slamming deep into the sea.

Elder Feng didn't get complacent and used his movement skill to dodge the attack by inches. He swung his large saber.

A blinding streak of attack appeared in front of Patriarch Chen but shattered it with a punch. Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Liu looked at each other and attacked at the same time.

"I've been waiting for you…" Elder Feng snickered.

"Saber Waves: Three Stack Bolt."