The Ruthless Zimo

The Southern sea lay eerily quiet, thick with the stench of blood permeating the air, while lifeless bodies floated on the water's surface.

Wang Duyi's headless corpse drifted on the sea, his head lost to the depths, a macabre testament to the recent carnage. The Grim Reaper Zimo observed the empty sea with a casual expression, and no one would attribute the just-concluded massacre to him.

"Why are they so few?" he muttered, shaking his head.

Su Yen, upon hearing this, looked at him, and the corner of his lip curled up. He thought he was ruthless, but compared to this young man, he still had a lot to learn.

Suddenly, Su Yen creased his brow, took off into the sky, and disappeared like a raging bolt of thunder.

Immediately, everyone from the Barren Land knitted their brows, wondering what was going on. Huang Yin looked at a certain direction and commanded the ship to sail in that direction.