A night to remember - Part 1

Inside the Cao mansion, everywhere was deadly quiet. Every elder in their courtyard was relishing in Su Yen's domineering actions.

It was now they realized what kind of person was living in their house. They were at his mercy. If he deemed them useless in the next second, he could annihilate every one of them like ants.

Previously, they were scared of the greedy eyes of those who might attack them. But now, they realized how pathetic that was. With that kind of strength, why would they give a damn about what other people thought about them?

Just as the Cao clan was recovering from their hard-learned lesson, a group of men dressed in black appeared in front of their mansion.

"Surround the building; we can't let our prey have a chance to escape," a sinister man said in a low voice.

Quickly, hundreds of men surrounded the Cao clan mansion, holding various cold weapons.

Securing the perimeter, Dingbang looked at his men and nodded.