Attack the Cao clan

The long-awaited night, filled with anticipation and curiosity, was finally over. As dawn broke in the East, casting its golden hues over Baiyun city, the city stirred to life.

Pedestrians trooped into the city, their steps quickened by the energy of a new day. Store owners flung open their shutters, the creaking of metal against wood echoing through the streets.

Restaurants exuded the inviting aroma of morning meals, and thin trails of smoke curled from chimneys, blending with the crisp morning air.

Merchants, with their long carriages laden with goods, rumbled into the streets, ready to engage in the day's bustling commerce.

Yet, this was not just any usual day. 

Every citizen in the outer region and inner region was expecting the demise of the Cao clan, fueled by rumors of their extravagant spending leading to their destruction.

The air was thick with suspense, and the city's pulse seemed to quicken in collective anticipation.