The Turning Point - Part 2

Inside the store, the four boys quickly found their way to the counter with bright smiles on their faces.

Finally, they were going to get the Spirit Image Crystal and would be able to talk freely with their friends.

In front of the counters, the girl looked at the four boys and smiled.

"What do you need?"

"We need four Spirit Image Crystals," the tallest boy among them requested.

"Do you have Spirit Comms already?" she asked.

They nodded.

"Each costs 20 silver coins."

The boys nodded; they knew the price of the Spirit Image Crystals and turned to look at the girl and her maid.

With a panicked expression on her face, the girl asked with a trembling voice, "W-w-here is the fun thing you said you're going to show me? I don't see anything fun here."

Her maid also looked at the clean and furnished interior with doubt and confusion on her face.