Surging undercurrent

Inside the Crimson Jade Pavilion, all the elders sat around the wooden table with a pensive gaze.

They looked at the entrance frequently and then, looked at a specific elder without uttering a word.

Expectation and hope etched deep in their eyes. They had done this many times and hardly did they fail.

This won't be any different.

To what extent did their expectations shape their perceptions of reality?

And was there inherent wisdom in cultivating a mindset that transcends the influence of expectations for a more authentic engagement with life?

They sat all night with the hope and expectation of what to come that may never come.

Why hope? Why expect when reality gives you the freedom to engage with it?

The fabric of what kept the human race going was hoping for things that may never come.


The door to the conference was forced open, and an elder with a bald head rushed inside.