The Battle - Part 4

In an instant, a wave of dread washed over the man as the realization struck – his once-maneuverable light spear had transformed into an unbearably heavy burden.

Panic surged through his veins, clouding his thoughts like an impending storm.

Despite his seasoned warrior instincts, the man desperately attempted to relinquish his sword, hoping that bare fists might offer some solace in the face of this mysterious force.

However, his body, once an extension of his formidable will, now betrayed him, paralyzed by an unseen power that defied his every command.

The silence of the night shattered with a resounding bang, accompanied by an agonized scream that ripped through the air.

The lady's sword, gleaming with an eerie luminosity, descended upon the man's arm with relentless ferocity, cleaving it in two.