A battle that will be remember for generations to come.


Three varieties of anguish pitched reverberated throughout the Cao mansion. Laying on the floor were the three patriarchs that just sacrificed their bodies to keep their lives.

Previously, they thought it was just to lose a part of their body, but how wrong were they.

The chaotic Qi in the sword attack ran amok in their bodies, destroying their foundation. Each of them dropped two levels to their previous half-step Core Refining realm.

Once again, their plans were useless right in front of absolute strength. Their bodies couldn't even withstand the phantom attack of such an expert. How strong was that person?

It was then they realized how foolish their previous action must have appeared to that person. If that person decided, they could annihilate every one of them without breaking a sweat.

Realizing how futile their action and what they lost, the three men didn't care about their faces and wailed loudly on the floor.