The Devil in the ranking

Zi Haoran paced back and forth inside his courtyard with a pensive gaze. Every time he sent his consciousness into his Spirit Comms, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Unbeknownst to him, his back was already drenched in cold sweats. The night cold breeze couldn't provide solace to his troubled heart.

Previously, he was confident about his position. But now, he was not sure. The sudden rise of the anomaly sent shivers down his spine.

Life, full of surprises, they are not what you can close your eyes to.

Tonight, it happened in quick succession that put everyone on the edge. Tension hung in the air, mixed with anticipation. The birth of the sudden rise of the anomaly left a bitter taste in many, while many found it fascinating.

Those who found it fascinating had nothing to lose, but those who had a bitter taste in their mouths were the ones pushed out of the top ten.