Finally, the competition is over.

In the main hall of the Zi residence, a palpable tension gripped the air as Zi Haoran and his parents paced back and forth. 

Worry etched deep lines on their faces, overshadowing the confidence that had been present earlier.

The son of the city lord had returned unexpectedly, sending shockwaves through the Zi household. 

Despite their waning confidence, the Zi clan clung to hope, fervently praying to the ancestral spirits for their favor in the grueling selection process.

Time seemed to stretch as the minutes ticked away, each second stifled by anticipation. Then, as the clock struck midnight, a sudden shift transformed the atmosphere.

His mother's joyous shout pierced the heavy air like a burst of sunlight breaking through storm clouds. 

The room, once burdened with anxiety, erupted into an explosion of ecstatic relief.