Assassination goes wrong?

A couple of minutes earlier, Su Yen stood in the sky above the Cao Clan with both hands behind his back. The gentle night breeze blew his hair slowly.

However, his gaze was as gentle and calm as the breeze. He looked in a particular direction, blinking, and after a couple of minutes, an old man appeared.

It was the smiling old beggar. He was still in his usual old tattered cloth with a nauseating stink. Though he looked like a rotten beggar, the bright burning vitality in his eyes was another story entirely.

He walked calmly on the air and stopped a couple of feet from Su Yen. His eagle-like eyes looked at the extremely handsome young man with a deep frown etched on his face.

He accepted this mission because of the enormous resources for his cultivation. He had been stuck at the peak of the early stage 1 Core Refining for over 20 years, and his lifespan was coming to an end.