Plan goes wrong

[Happy New Year Guys]


Huang Yin stood by the lake, feeding the fish slowly, her expression calm. Behind her, her niece entered the courtyard with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Big sister, I want to join the battle with the beasts," she said, hugging Huang Yin's left arm.

"Why? You know it is very dangerous out there," Huang Yin said, turning to look at her with a doting smile.

"I know… but I must go," she insisted, putting on her best weapon: her puppy face.

"Don't make that face… Tell me why you want to go, and I may consider it."

"Many of my friends have gone… There is a rumor that those selected to go to the mainland must be very talented and must have contributed a lot to the barren land."

"Ah! I see," a chuckle escaped from her lips. "It is true, but I don't think you're ready yet."