The Beast Kings vs The Celestial Heavenly Armies.

"What do you say?!" The Elusive Torment Rat snapped as he jumped to his feet.

"I said...The humans are inside the forest, killing every beast on their path," Roaring Eagle said with a solemn expression.

Instantly, a heavy and tense silence settled among the beasts. The once jubilant atmosphere, filled with laughter and visions of feasting on delicious human flesh, morphed into an air thick with dread.

The kings among the beasts, who moments ago reveled in their imagined victory, now exchanged uneasy glances.

The centipede's human form froze mid-laugh, the monkey's joyous expression twisted into a frown, and a palpable sense of unease swept through the gathering.

The first inkling of realization dawned upon them as distant sounds, muffled but undeniable, reached their sensitive ears—the trudging march of disciplined footsteps.

In addition, the clinking of armor, and the ominous resonance of a vast army moving with unwavering purpose.