The Wrath of the Celestial Heavenly Sect - Part 2

In the aftermath of the bloodbath that unfolded under the cloak of darkness, the once-ominous aura of the Celestial Heavenly store hung heavy over the outer city. 

The corpses of the assassins from the Death Shadow Organization and their accomplished lay scattered across the narrow alleyways and hidden corners, their lifeless bodies serving as a grim testament to the store's unparalleled might.

Word of the swift and deadly operation spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of the influential clans whose members had contemplated betraying the city. 

The Ding clan patriarch, Wei clan patriarch, and Xue clan found themselves caught between a sense of relief and a chilling realization of the immense power wielded by the Celestial Heavenly store.

The City Lords from other cities had secretly approached them with a proposal to betray their own city, had underestimated the force they were dealing with.