Assembly of all the younger generation.

Amidst the bustling activity in Baiyun city, as thousands of young men and women from various clans flocked towards the heart of the city, a palpable tension gripped the air.

Confused by the Prefecture lord's announcement, all the clans decided to investigate the mysterious happenings in Baiyun city.

The streets of Baiyun city were transformed, now teeming with unfamiliar faces. Young masters and misses, adorned in luxurious robes, strutted through the city with an air of pride and arrogance. 

Yet, an odd unease hung over them, as if they were cautious and wary of an unseen force.

Despite their apparent superiority, none of them acted overbearingly toward the ordinary mortals populating the streets. 

It was as if an unspoken rule had restrained their behavior, a silent acknowledgment of something greater at play.