Zimo and Biyu Battle with the Reapers

A couple of hours earlier, when the first attack was made on Baiyun city, Elder Hua had already sent an emergency message to Su Yen before responding to their attack.

Therefore, the appearance of the Reapers had already been known to Su Yen. However, he chose not to interfere in the battle and wait to see how things unfolded.

Meanwhile, on the Purple Mist Mountain Range, a deadly battle was going on, sending powerful shockwaves everywhere.

All the powerful clans had retreated at their top speed, leaving only two people in the Purple Mist Mountain Range.

They were Biyu and Zimo.

Many people had wondered why people feared those two, and now they would know why. Immediately, when another group from the Reapers arrived and attacked the mountain range, they sprung to action.

Looking at hundreds of powerful Peak Core Refining Experts and a Golden Core realm stage 3, it sent a shiver down the spine of everyone.