Spirit Air Plane - Su Ming and Elder Mei Punishment.

Standing in the west wing of the military base, a group of men and women dressed in special uniforms of red and black.

A woman in her late twenties stood at the forefront of the group, with a white lab coat over her uniform.

Beside the group were Su Yen and Su Ming. Su Ming stood a couple of steps behind him without uttering a word.

Their previous playful banter was long gone and was replaced by expressionless faces.

As for the thought of him getting married, he had placed it at the back of his mind.

In the presence of Su Yen, no one dared show an exaggerated expression.

Su Yen, with his calm and approachable smile, looked at the object for a couple of seconds without uttering a word.

All the engineers in charge of creating the Spirit Air Plane were trembling and sweating bullets.