Scary Weapons

With the advent of the Spirit Battleship and Spirit Submarine, Su Yen felt their preparation was almost complete.

With the Ancient clans now in the picture, he knew it was only a matter of time before their enemies waged war on them.

His plan was simple: he would take the battle to his enemies' doorstep before they even had the intention of fighting him.

With the battleship fighting on the sea, he wouldn't have to worry about using sea races to attack his home.

As for the Spirit Submarine, that was to gather intel against his enemies.

He knew they had only scratched the surface of the Lotus World, and if they wanted to have an edge over all their enemies, they needed a full-fledged intelligence network.

Apart from that, the Spirit Submarine would serve as a covert operation.

Even though both the Spirit Battleship and Spirit Submarine had almost been completed, they needed the most important thing: ammunition.