Under current - Plans to Sabotage Celestial Army.

While Su Yen, the Prefecture Lord, and the city lords were having their meeting, another meeting was taking place inside the Prefecture capital.

In a secluded part of the outer city, inside an ordinary-looking house, a group of clan masters gathered for discussion in hushed voices.

"How is it?" the Yu clan master asked.

"Everything is going according to plan. Before the governor's army arrives, we will sabotage and kill most of their elite soldiers," Patriarch Xu responded.

Inside the dimly lit room, there were ten clan masters gathered. They were the clan masters that refused to submit to the rule of their younger generation, joining the Celestial Army.

Previously, they thought it was impossible for the Celestial Heavenly Sect to pull it off. To their surprise, they did it so easily that it left them dumbfounded.